Monday, December 17, 2012

DIY Project: Popping Le Cherry

Salam, greetings~

Ok ini projek DIY pertama aku wehh *eksaited* 

Minor diy je ni, buat smoked signal lamp Wira. Setelah me-refer beberapa blog dan forum, aku pun mula berasa teruja nak buat diy sendiri. 

dan memandangkan hari tu kaki terseliuh...jatuh longkang..malunye (-__-') , menyebabkan xdpt p gym la hari dari dok diam2 takde keje baik buat mende berfaedah ye dok? hehe. 

Final product - mantap.
Buat mende ni kat sekitar rumah je..sambil2 tu boleh curi makanan kat rumah kan? hehehe. 

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan

1. High temperature Black Spray 
2. Silicone Adhesive 
3. Masking tape 
4. Air panas (to remove cover) 
5. Torch light
6. Philips screw flat head (to pry open the glass/plastic) 

Modding - Otw...done! 
So, let's get started! 


0. Buka hood *you Don't say* 

1. Mula-mula kena buka lampu kiri dan kanan. Dia ada spring yang tarik signal lamps ni cekang kat fender kereta. So, seluk2 bahagian tepi kereta. Look for a black ring. Kanan kereta: dekat2 ngan bateri. Kiri kereta: dekat2 ngan kotak relay fan. *boleh refer pics* 

2. Tarik spring tu then dah boleh release lampu signal tu. 

3. Guna air panas (in certain case ada sorang forumer tu guna oven. Woah) or hairdryer to melt the glue, thus releasing the plastic/glass cover. Guna skru driver philips, umpil pelan2. 
             -step ni aku skip sebab my cover lekang voluntarily. maklumla, barang dh lama. 

4. Letak masking tape around, leave some for the reflector. Kalo x malap lampu signal serupa tak dak, kan? 

5. Then...spray away! Pastikan spray rata. Buat several layers. Allow each layer to dry about 10-15 minutes *refer the spray can* 
           -jaga2 jangan spray smpai tutup lubang ventilation tu..for when the lamp gets hot, air could come in. Look closer, there's 2 holes on each sides of the lamp. 

6. Pasang balik, preferably pakai Silicone adhesive tadi. Make sure no water could sip in later. make it Water tight. Buat kemas2 yo. 

7. Biar sampai kering, then pasang balik. Now sit back and take a look - ok la nampak ganaz sikit. lol. 

All these are done under RM30. Worth it la considering you don't have to pay labour and get a new set of lamp which could cost twice...or thrice. 

Pictures semua kat bawah. Anything refer pics. 

Tu je la kot setakat ni. Nak dekat final exam ni...sempat lagi. hehe. 

Wish all the best to all those who will be having their final examination in universities (including me. 

Next DIY project maybe masa cuti la kot. 


Nota kaki: 

1. thinking of getting an F1 brake the item ady, but got no time ady. 
2. Next project in line also, modding the headlamp to a smoked headlamp..using the same method. 
3. Kudos to the forumers n bloggers that thought me with their posts. Thanks guys (Y)

4. [UPDATED] - next project in-line: 
    F1 brake lamp
    door soundproofing 
    vanity mirror 
    smoked headlamp 

Some pictures.  

LH: Under the relay fan box, there's the black ring. Pull it to release lamp
RH: the arrow shows the black ring. Pull it hoh

Friday, December 7, 2012

EntryPicisan: The Perks of Being Single

Tergerak hati nak buat post ni, pada suatu pagi. 

Being single. Ada masa best, ada masa tak best. Tapi percayalah, lagi banyak best daripada yang tak best..nape ek? 

Ok, mula dengan yang tak best la kan, sebab sikit. Hehe. 
Tak best sebab terasa kadang2 tu forever alone. Tu je kot. Haa satu-satunya kannn. 

Sekarang, mula dengan yang BEST pulak yeeee: 
- jimat duit > tak payah belanja kat benda-benda nonsense/impulsive things

- perasaan terjaga > tak yah nak susah2 hati kalau gaduh ke pape ke. Takyah nak jaga hati orang. Jaga hati sendiri jerrr 

- tak dapat dosa free all the time > ni tak yah cakap banyak dah laaa kan? hehehe. 
sedangkan panas dunia pun kita tak tahan, apatah lagi panas kat sana ye dokk???  

- banyak masa dgn kawan2 > nak tak nak, kawan2 jugak yg kita blh rely on bila ada masalah. kalo partner ni gaduh sikit dah xleh nak pape sgt dh, apatah lagi kalau dah clash. But for friends, they'll always be there for us :') 

- takyah renyah2 > tak pyh buat benda renyah (leceh) hari2..mcm allocating time for hypothetical 'us' to message/sms/call. Takyah nak wish2 morning ke , gudnite ke...pape ke. Takyah nak pikir ape surprise nak bagi kat dia..yeah and all those little little things lah 

- tak kene nag > ohhh yang ni cukup sakit hati kalau asik kene nag jee. Itu salah, ini salah. Nak buat tu xley, nak buat ni xley. Kalo buat gak gaduh = leceh.

Nagging. Contoh la, skrg ni aku simpan rambut panjang. Besar cita-cita nak simpan macam Noh Hujan :3 I just want to feel like that just for once in my life, then maybe no more. I'm not asking much. 

I tried to do that last time, pastu kene pressure+nag. I was like, "rambut aku, suka hati akulah" tapi sebab xnak cite panjang, potong jugak lah (-___-)

*Even my parents pun x nag, hokay?* 

Now, I feel like "bapak ah free gile wehhh!!!" BEBAS - but still dalam lingkungan agama la kan *you don't sayyy* 

For now, I my mindset is just on charting my life for the present and the future, simpan je la untuk yang halal. I may stumble on her one day nanti, bila dah ditentukan. 

Bila dah ada kerja dan hidup yang stabil, baru la cari. Senang. Takde headache. Or, when I own a Passat CC (droolsssss :3 ) THEN I'll go and find a wife.Nothing's impossible kannnn. 

Oklah. Habis. Kbai. 

Passat CC - to get this thing on the road itself pun will cost about RM10K. Woha! 

EntryPicisan: Ramblings Sebab Tak Boleh Tido

Aku kenyang
Aku tak boleh tido. 
Esok kena bangun awal pagi, meeting prom night tu. 
Inilah #firstWorldProblems. 

Gara-gara melantak at Seoul Garden tadi ngan depa sume ni lahhhh...lama dah plan sebenarnya. Hehe. Sedap jugak la. 
Yes, it was my first time *pop cherry* 

Hari ni (Khamis) tak banyak sgt aktiviti. Cuma satu jam je kelas tutorial. Then tengahari tu pi Oncost yang dekat Khaleel BJ tu, nak pasang fog lamp

Pilih kedai tu sebab harga diorang sama ngan harga kat internet ...ok lah tuuu.
Antara sebab pi Oncost sebab kedai Ah Beng Sungai Dua tu mahal sangat....Depa mark-up harga melampau2..pastu takde diskaun pulak tu. Padahal belanja banyak. Freebies pun takde. 

At least kalo nak charge mahal2 bagi la freebies ke...pape ke. Ni xde. So, setelah survey barang online (contemplated on doing it DIY style, tp satu komponen yang Ah Beng allegedly kata rosak aku xdpt cari sbb xtau nama)...last2 pi Oncost je la. 

Splitter yang ok lagi. 

Ni gamba kat seblah kiri ni...skit lagi nak kne katok kat kedai Ah Beng for RM38...dia ckp da rosak. Pomen dia patahkan it's dangling in my hood. Cis -.- 

Tu pun fog lamp dia nak cas RM75 one pair...kat Oncost dapat tukar 2 pairs RM100+ je campur installation. 

Tengok kat Oncost ok je xyah tuka. Alhamdulillah. nasib baik x kena...huhu. 

Masa menunggu tu perasan lah banyak semut crawling over my Wiwi. and I was like, "macam ada sarang depa je...huhu.." and I dig2 la a bit whilst waiting..and I found byk daun halus2 tu kat my roof lining. Kena bukak and cuci thoroughly la gamaknye. Replacement will cost RM120 EACH.
*Ooohhh...where will I get such money?? T.T* 

Takpe la..benda tu kene tunggu sat la. Lupakan benda ni...Sabtu ni nak main yeay! ^0^ 

Ni dah sapu2 sikit pakai tangan

Horror kan uollss?
And I decided before going to makan2 with le gang, aku ingat nak pasang soundproofing panel kat bonnet. Dah beli since last week, RM48 je..kat 

Senang je sebab dia dah ada tape 3M lekat, n umum sedia maklum tape ni memang kuat (Y) 
Memula lap dulu bagi bersih, tak nak kotor2 nanti xdpt lekat lama. 

Kat bawah ni before and after pasang. Biar semalam dulu bagi lekat leklok before exposing it to the engine's heat. 

Overall, semua siap slightly over 30 minutes, in time for Maghrib prayer and siap2 nak p makan..hehe. 

Kalau minat DIY, buat je...puas hati wor. Ni baru sikit2 la sebab xde sumber pendapatan lagi :B

Tu je setakat ni! Hehe. :) 


Nota kaki:

1. barang yang jual kat internet biasanya lebih murah dari kat kedai. Tak percaya? Search jee 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

EntryPicisan: Aku, dan DIY

Salam, greetings. 

Nampak sangat kan tak cohesive nye tajuk ni? Aku dan DIY.....what?? 

Senang cakap, I'm more to like a DIY guy la..aku suka kerja 'hands-on' ni. I like to explore things, taking them apart, then assembling them back. It's just a thing that I like to do. 

Macam sume orang kan ada hobi memasing, or habit memasing kan? So, the same applies to me also. 
Kiranya aku ni suka bukak2 bende, explore around a bit, then pasang balik or better off, try to fix it lah. Sejak dari kecik lagi la macam ni. 

Dan cara ni pun bagus sebenarnya. Kalo ikut cakap bapak aku (brader Jawa) cara terbaik untuk didik anak tu la..bagi dia buat kerja hands on, biar dia belajar sendiri what's right from wrong, learning from mistakes by doing it themselves. Kalau salah ye dia akan tinggalkan. Kalo betul ye dia buat lagi. 

The 'flusher'
So, when I acquired my hand-me-down ride from my mom, of course la what I did was explore around, especially those detailing mcm accessories and the engine part, checking the essentials...just to make sure that it is in prime condition. 

Long story short, I checked the radiator....horror gile weh! Karat2 everywhere...and I asked her when was the last time you changed your radiator fluid? My mom answered "many years ago"...and I was like. Okay (-_-)

Ha nak masukkan ni next week rasanya.
A simple google search, going through this and that forum and watching a few YouTube clips, I found out that the best Radiator coolant would be Toyota punye brand...and for that karat thing, kena guna radiator flush. 

Last weekend I put in that radiator flush, botol tu cakap - kena bawak 3-6 hours driving which is equivalent to 1 week of usage (normal driving condition) n then kena flush lagii....tengok la kalau rajin mungkin buat video tutorial kot...then post it on YouTube. hehehe.  

And the one that aku letak's a good radiator flush la 'cos arahan dia sume ada kt blakang botol..and it is idiot-proof. very detailed instructions. Boleh jumpa kat Tesco besar aka Tesco jelutong...ala yg dekat ngan E-Gate tu. 


Nota kaki: 

1. DIY = Do-it-yourself. Buat sendiri. Cara mudah & murah untuk get things done, and learn a couple of new skills and things along the way too! 

2. Hand me down pun...Alhamdulillah ^^ 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

EntryPicisan: Field Work


Ok so this is the last thing that I'll do before hitting the sack....writing a blog entry. 

Wow, instead of reciting the Quran before sleep, you're doing this??? Ok pedas. -.- 
I love to 'kenakan' myself with words or phrases yang pedas2...I think it's an internal mechanism for me to keep myself within what is right and what is wrong. Alhamdulillah for that. (Y) 

Whether or not I did the latter, let us leave it to only me and His knowledge, ye? 

Right. I've to turn in veeeerry early since tomorrow all those who are taking the bomb (BOM 112 - Ecology) 
will be going to Taman Negara Pulau Pinang. Dunno the place? ala tempat ada Pantai Kerachut tuuu...

I'm not really enthusiastic to go there, first being I'll have to be at bio school 7.30am ON THE DOT.....then being my 2nd time doing an Ecology field work* and's on a Saturday!  T.T 

Whine as much as I would and could, I'd still have to go xpe la....swallow the bitter pill je lah. 

Troublesome for me a bit to sleep early, since I'm still full from dinner....#firstWorldProblems . 

Have to try also lah kan? 
Bebarang sudah di pack, so what more? 'Tis time to hit the sack! 
Here's to a great weekend. 

Goodnight dumplings! 

p/s: yenna dey I heard that the YES (year end sale) macam dah start kat Queensbay. there goes all of our allowances kan? Those capitalists must be really happy at this time of the year. kih3. 

Nota kaki: 

1. *I did it (field work) in 2011 when I was in Terengganu.. Back then, it was carried out at Sekayu Forest Reserve...syiok punya tempat to go mandi2, picnic....and doing some field work* 

Friday, November 30, 2012

If it is not meant to be, maybe He's got a better plan for you, then. :')

Assalamualaikum, Greetings.

I don't feel very good today. Just finished the "writer meeting session" at Sollat just now. 

No,'s not about the book club session. It is more of something personal that I am experiencing myself. 
And yes, I do know as a Muslim, I should express my feelings towards Him, which I'm also doing, Inshaa Allah istiqamah dan diertingkatkan lagi di masa hadapan. Pray for me ye.... 

it is inevitable that sometimes we need to put our emotions/feeling in words, then one would be relieved. So that it is somehow carved in the millions of codes embodied in the blogger servers, which one day I could read it and reminisce. 

I do sometimes have a kind of selective memory too, choosing to remember things that I might consider significant in my life, stored it away in my brain (or rather now, in this corpus of entry) for future reference and lesson, perchance? 

Yes, I'm not happy today 'cos yesterday I uncovered something which disturbed me...well, as for now I could say that all of the efforts, I know it's not much, but then again...when the other party is not playing her part as well in return, somehow my enthusiasm for it fades away slowly..and came to a halt yesterday. 

I saw that post yesterday and when I checked today..voila! Gone. Perhaps she deleted it - my good conscience would say..but based on my (little) experience, she may have hidden it, that maybe her close friends aje that could view whatever they are doing there, freely. 

It's like getting a slap in the face. Reality sets in. Finally I told myself, "well Adam, maybe it is not meant to be after and her"....Which is something that my cliques have told me over and over again, but over-optimistic me just ignores it and carried on. Now, I crashed....and crashed hard. 

It is now finally came...the time to move on with our lives, and if there's rezeki, our paths will intersect...and perhaps there may be that hidden something.  

I need someone I can throw jokes and puns, no matter how silly/cheesy/stupid/ridiculous it is, will still laugh a sincere laugh...I need someone who I can sometimes act pathetic gila when I can't take something anymore..someone whom I am comfortable with to the extent that I could just be random without being judged.....someone who'll be there with me through ups and downs.I need someone who is intelligent; a person whom I could argue about intellectual things e.g. recent issues, political ideologies, random topics/things...I need someone who could and would plot silly trolling routines on our friends and laugh together as we proceeded.......I need a partner that is both a bestfriend and a good wife (hehe *malunye*) 

Keep on searching, then. It is the only way. No looking back from now on.

Nota kaki: 

1. Oh, for those who aren't in the know yet, Sollat is the abbreviation for my school aka faculty which stands for 'School of Languages, Literacies and Translation'. I heart my school (awww shoo cute. lol) 

2. Yes, we call them 'school' here instead of 'faculty'. In Malay, it sounds a bit mature with 'Pusat Pengajian' 

3. The food that were served after the session was good though. Eden catering kotttt. om nom nom nom :3 

4. I know I sound cheesy in this entry...but what the heck? It's my blog anyway. hehe....(gelak hambar) 

5. There's still that rather thin ray of hope anyway, kan? 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

EntryPicisan: Ranting


Ranting pokok? Ehhh~

Bukan2. ni bukan ranting sebutan BM, tapi ranting sebutan english...ala-ala membebel jugak ler.

Arakian, maka tersebutlah kisah bahawasanya saya kepinginkan....yeah, scrap that. haha!

All I wanted was a simple, quick GTA 4 game session....pastu xley login pulok.

Windows Live, Y U NO LET ME LOGIN *Y U NO meme*

Hehe tu je lah my 'ranting'. kthanksbai

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

EntryPicisan: The 'dangers' of online shopping


Here's hoping that you guys feeling well and happy.
I for one, Alhamdulillah ok je setakat ni.
I was in the middle of my assignment when I got stuck and needed something to distract me thus resting my mind for a while...and this idea popped up.
Tulis je lah, kan?

The dangers of online shopping.
It is not about being scammed aka getting your hard-earned money cheated easily right out of your hands, just like taking candy from a baby.
No, it's not what this entry is about.
*even though the risk is still there, careful ye*

I've been shopping online and selling things online since 2010, and setakat ni I haven't been cheated yet (let's hope that it never will happen kan) and I for one, of course la tak pernah cheat orang...betul tak??
*tak baik menipu, sedangkan panas dunia pun tak tahan. Woha!*

And if I'm not mistaken, the first thing I got online was my nokia was quite a high risk-item la to get cheated on...the item came from Terengganu, full set no defects, still ok 'till today and I must say it's a good deal indeed.
And that's where everything started.

You see, the dangers of shopping online is that you don't even have to get off  from your desk.
You can just open your laptop, and in a jiff, you're there!
And when you've got that bit of "extra money", macam nak jugak tengok bebarang yang ade kan.
Mula-mula online window shopping...then impulsive buying habit pun mula la masuk.
Heck, even my current phone pun I got through

*but that was me, dulu2. sekarang under control sikit lah. menyimpan untuk masa depan lah katakan*

Here's a tip:
-If you're buying things that are high-risk aka mahal online (e.g. handphones) it's better to get the deal done by COD (Cash-on Delivery) 'cos you can view the item first hand, meet the dealer/owner face to face. Kiranya nampak lagi ikhlas la kan kalau jumpe depan2.

-If it's a 2nd hand item, look closely at the pictures, if you're serious, you could also ask the seller to mail you extra, more detailed pic of the item

-If you're buying a new item, buy from the ones who have a physical shop (own shoplot) = ni untuk orang yang takut kene tipu or paranoid lah lol.

Last but not least, if you're thinking of throwing away things, rethink. It might get you a couple of ringgits should you decide to sell it away online.

I was having the thought of throwing away my old Sony speakers when I decided to advertise it online. Tak sampai sehari calls from potential customers pun masuk. I ended the day with some extra cash in my pocket. The dude's got a good deal, and I've got some money to go makan2.

This is the item that I sold recently. COD je kat kfc dpn kampus.

Nota kaki: 

1. Till now, I can't keep track on how many things that I've bought online. Only the items sold. Hehe. 

2. One man's junk may be another brader's gold (eh betul ke ni? :P) 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Leaving The Toilet Seat Up

"Could you NOT keep the toilet seat up each time you're done with it??" 

*nods* - no verbal response, a wise move made by the dude to avert another lengthy argument that may arise should he respond verbally. 

Assalamualaikum, greetings Earthlings!  

Another sleepless night would equal to another entry, boleh tak?  Eh okay, that was a lie. The first sentence was just a figure of speech...I made.

It's 2 O'clock in the morning already, but I don't feel like getting a sleep anytime now...yet. - not before I'm done with this post at least!

So far for me, everything has been running smoothly, Alhamdulillah. *tak salah cakap Alhamdulillah banyak2*

I love the way things are going right now. It seems for me that everything are falling into their rightful place, and I was, am and will be there to witness and experience it.

Getting down to the short alleged conversation between a supposedly a dude and his wife, what do you think they're arguing about?

Okay, it's about THE toilet seat.

Apparently, it occurred to me that this is an issue among some. (yeah, I'm that slow in picking this issue up. I suppose it's an old issue but I find it new, and worthy of a post)

Some would bicker for days or have an internet debate about trivial matters such as this one for hours or even, days.

Now, the issue here is not just about leaving the toilet seat siree! The toilet seat case was just an example to describe the heart of this post which is pertaining "Trivial Matters that somehow get more airtime in our mind than they should"

We must admit, at some point in our lives, there must be moments when we would get annoyed by trivial matters, and somehow would argue or sireh (gossip) about it with our friends leading up to no solutions, just a little bit of satisfaction kononnya dapat lepaskan perasaan la (padahal dapat dosa. Astaghfirullah)

Like in the case of leaving the toilet seat up, I just came to know it recently when I read posts in 9gag (yes, I'm a 9gagger jugak, lol) and people would bicker or make a big deal about it.

A simple internet search revealed that this is an issue among women in the context of Western countries lah, there aren't many Asian girls/women that would complain about this issue publicly. ----malu kot. hahaha

Serius doh.....we men leave them up because we want them to get dried...yela those water droplets won't grow legs and jump off the toilet seat, won't they? hehehe.

Other examples would be a person may be annoyed when his/her roomate keeps locking the door even if they're inside, or a person using a public facility without putting those things back in their rightful place, then we would get annoyed....'eating' up the bandwith of our thinking capacity with trivial matters, having thoughts such as "Eh kenape la dia ni bla bla bla...."

Therefore, if you'd find some things to be trivial and not such a big deal, it is advisable to just overlook it, close one eye and just let go of it, 'cos letting go of things somehow could act as a therapy, too.

That was it. To leave them up or not to leave them up, it's a personal choice lah. No biggie, kan?


Nota Kaki: 

1. I don't say boyfriend and girlfriend, 'cos as a Muslim I oppose strongly people who aren't married who live together. Call me old fashioned, but even in a figurative speech, I refuse to endorse such acts by stating them even as examples. 

2. Kalau sehari tak bukak 9gag dah rasa tak syok, kenapa tak rasa yang serupa kalau tak bukak Al-Quran setiap hari? #muhasabahDiri 

3. Random: Having a whole playlist containing Skrillex's tracks are not that bad actually when having a cardio session or hitting the gym. It makes you want to push your body to the limit. 

4. Doakanlah perubahan yang aku buat ni, yang istiqamah. Perlahan-lahan kayuh, bak kata member. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

EntryPicisan: Ramblings Sebelum Tido

Salam and Greetings,

My 'Hectic September' already ends, so here I am, waking up to reality, feeling the serene atmosphere that I find myself immersed within.

Aura positive tu penting ye kawan2. Boleh buat kita sume happy, dok dlm cloud nine gitu. hahaha.

Tak banyak nak diperkatakan, Alhamdulillah kerja translation tu dah siap akhirnya. (Y) Dah submit. Menungu sedikit2 la yang akan dapat nanti. Rezeki Allah. *syukur*

Kepada pengguna Android yang nak tau pasal Umrah / Haji, boleh la download android app kat Google Play. Nama app tu 'M-umrah'; app yang dibangunkan a group of lecturers from Computer Sciences school, USM..kira macam Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) depa la ni...

Oh, kalo minat nk baca nasihat Ustaz Azhar Idrus hari2 pun boleh. just search 'UAI' kat Google Play jak.

Sekarang sedang jugak menabung untuk masa depan. Tak tau apa yang akan jadi nanti, kan?

Musim hujan sekarang, perbahan cuaca. Batuk2 demam everywhere. Diri ni tak terkecuali jugak. Sekarang syukurlah tengah recover.

The term 'cendol' then was coined to suit the context of some of my peers when referring to the latter, aforementioned in the previous paragraph.

Entry tak panjang rasanya, kepala tengah ting tong ni. Akibat makan ubat batuk terlebih dos - kes malas amek sudu.  #kenaGetah

So long. Keep positive. Tingkatkan amalan kita bersama, marilah, 'cos You Only Die Once (YODO), but you'll live twice (dunia, akhirat)

Marilah cari redhaNya.



Nota kaki :

1. Aku guna term #kenaGetah in conversations, posts which is a term I acquired while working dulu2...yang membawa maksud 'akibat daripada perbuatan salah/mengarut/silly yang self-implied or dibuat kt orang lain....

2. Google Play ; equivalent of Apple's App Store

Monday, September 17, 2012

EntryPicisan: Hectic September

Assalamualaikum, greetings.

Just got back from pimpin siswa siri 2 at the D'Puncak Beris camp as facilitator mind you uollss.

Quite tiring, but at the same time enjoyable also. Got to mingle around with juniors...hee ;) and whatnot.

So, after getting a power sleep last night, here I am writing this post first thing in the morning.

And sehari sebelum pi ke kem tu, kena jaga sife booth kat DTSP untuk rekrut juniors masuk sife. Tak tersangka sambutan hangat pulak drpd diorang kan.

Therefore, we'll need to do some screening, maybe interviews utk determine that those who got in must be willing to give their 100%.

There, another workload waiting for all of us next week or another week after that. Huhu.

Actually ada sikit rasa terbeban nih...mengenangkan report LI x siap lagi ni.

Hasratnya nak siapkan report tu dulu baru start kerja2 translate app umrah tu.

Oh, lupe nak gtau. Aku diupah untuk translate app umrah for android; "m umrah" boleh jumpa kat google playstore kalau search. It's free, and it is considered as part of USM's CSR in developing this app for the masses.

Aku amik la jgak kerja translate sbg permulaan n mungkin masa lain semak grammar thesis student arab pulok. RM15 per page for a thesis yang page blh menjangkau 200+ pages, sape xnak? Hehe.

Yela, kena cari duit simpanan untuk masa depan jugak kan? Nafkah ke?  #eh


Jadi, aku dibekalkan dengan sebijik Galaxy tab 2 for this thing la....tapi balik2 kem ni rs mcm masa tu tight sgt. Huhu.

Ada la terasa stress sikit o_O
Kalo ada kerja tertangguh walau sdikit, otak aku akan pressure aku utk remind aku ttg kerja tu. Selagi xsiap, selagi tu la dia akan pressure aku. Huhu.

Kena la rancang masa betul2. Nak siapkan translating work tu by the end of this month, sementara report tu nak siapkan by this week lahh.

Tu saje :)


Nota kaki:

1. Inset: salah satu snap2 scenery dari kem. Cun kan? Subhanallah!

2. Insya Allah, akan kembali ke kem tu lagi untuk siri 3 pulak. [ $$ ka-ching!]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

EntryPicisan: Semester Tiga.

A notable figure once said this : 

"Sometimes I feel like a little kid trapped in this 21 year-old body...."

Ok that's it. I've said it. 

*for those who didn't get it, that was a quote I quoted from myself = quoteception ye*

Assalamualaikum, greetings! 

Stepping into second day in this third semester of mine, sometimes I felt as if time is moving faster year by year when actually it is! *duhhhh*

At the time of writing, I have just finished putting the final touches in my room, having done cleaning, unpacking and tidying things up around here....nice view la. They've transferred all of us EFP students into one cubicle! Now that's what I call über cool~ 

New semester means new spirit! Right. After that little 'bump' during last semester, it somehow affects me (very little I might add) and well, as I had done the impossible during asasi time, I am sure insya Allah I can do the same thing here. Amin. 

Regarding my stint as a trainee journalist at The Sun Penang Bureau, all I can say is I learned A LOT. It opened my eyes, thus resetting my worldview.

Jadi MATURE sikit la gamaknye *coughs* 

 Yes, what my boss said during that 'interview' prior to the day I started working there was right, "this experience will change you,". And here I am, testifying to that statement. 

What I gained could not be bought by money as it is priceless in its own right. And by right, now I know where I'm heading (or at least get the gist of it) plus, there are a few essential areas that I need to improve also.

 I really enjoyed my working experience [thank you uollss] and it is a far cry from what I have been exposed to before - yela, jadi kuli kedai makan; blue collar worker memang la lain dari keje white collar nih....

So, all in all, entry ni dibuat sedangkan internship report masih lagi di pertengahan jalan! *tsk* *tsk* 

Beginning with this new sem, Insya Allah kita tong sampahkan sikap suka "procrastinate" ye? Hehehe. 

Itu je setakat ni. Keep fabeles uollss~! 

P/s: I made headline once before the internship period ended. Alhamdulillah :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bila Hilangnya Melayu, Digantikanlah dengan Meleis.

Assalamualaikum n Greetings, 

First of all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Mood raya tu masih ade lagi ye kawan-kawan ^^

Acane duit raya ade dapat banyak tak? Untuk aku bila dah masuk U ni tak la dapat banyak sangat, cuma yang dimasukkan dlm sampul tu lebih sikit la. Hehehe...jadi 'hasil mahsul' Raya ni Alhamdulillah boleh la buat simpan sikit-sikit untuk masa depan kan. ;)

Right. Ikutkan hati tak nak mulakan this entry on a negative note, but nak buat camne, dah tentu aku menulis ni dengan ketidakgumbiraan.

Kecewa kerana segelintir perkara, yang tak kecil tapi boleh dikatakan boleh la tahan magnitudnye.

-This post is a response following a recent bickering regarding this topic in facebook- 

Bermula dari isu bagi salam dalam entry lepas (isu lama!), nak selit2 sikit hapdetnye. Hari tu lepas kerja, masa balik tu......terasa haus pulak. Haus gile dok telan air liur je spnjang perjalanan.  Jadi, singgah la sat kat masjid USM solat asar sekali. Dahh...kedai Arab seblah masjid bukak, singgah ler beli air minum to quench my thirst.

Dah habis beli I gave salam to the Arab dude. I had a preconception which I know, it's my fault to have one. Tak sangka pulak dia jawab *terharu*, because as I had stated in my earlier post, some of these Meleis pun ade preconception jugak, yang kalo Melayu = Islam dan kalo Cina = bukan Islam. But for this Arab dude, he's different; "waalaikumussalam" :)

*Ok, maybe I should call my mishaps after this as "Plight of a Bloke Who Happens to Look Like a Chinese" LOL!!*

Tu benda satu hal...ade lagi satu, pantang sungguhlah kalau bercakap atau share kat facebook perkara tentang Islam, berkaitan hukum hakam or nasihat orang-orang berilmu nak kalau boleh sesetengah daripada kita sume lah nak bangkang. Nak jugak cari 'loophole' dlm benda yg dihujahkan tu.

Ya, Islam meraikan perbezaan pendapat, tapi ada limit jugak nak beza pendapat pun.

Sedangkan bila orang share music video (MV) yg dlmnye dh sah ade women dancing in skimpy / revealing clothes tak pulak nak cakap pape, tak pula nak dipertikai "eh kau share mende maksiat ni pehal der? tak takut dosa?" TAPI,  bila bicara tentang Islam nak dipertikai.....apa yg kita nak berpegang dengan sebenarnya ni?

P/s: share benda baik / xbaik kita pun dapat sahamnya jugak tau.... berjela-jela lagi kalo bertambah2 org yg further share / view. Jadi jom la share mende2 baik je ye? Tak susah pun. :)

Kalau nasihat orang ada ilmu dalam agama pun nak ditolak, then sapa lagi kita nak ikut...

Sebab, lepas Nabi > Para Sahabat > Khalifah > Golongan Fuqaha aka Alim Ulamak yang perlu diikuti. Yang tinggal pada akhir zaman ni pun yang last tu. Kalo yang last tu pun tak nak diikut, nak dipertikai, sapa lagi nk diikuti?

Sebab bila kita dibangkitkan semula nanti, kita akan dibangkitkan dengan idola (ikutan) kita nanti time kat dunia nih.  Of kos lah sume orang nak dibangkitkan dengan mendapat syafaat, ye dok?....Apa, nak ke kita dibangkitkan sebelah Lady Gaga, tak pun Nicki Minaj? Na'uzubillah!

'Umar Al-Khattab pernah berkata:

Sesungguhnya kita dahulunya merupakan satu golongan yang paling hina lalu

dimuliakan oleh Allah dengan Islam. Apabila kita mencari kemuliaan

dengan selain Islam, kita akan dihina oleh Allah. 

(Disahihkan oleh Al-Hakim dalam Al Mustadrak, dipersetujui Az Zhahabiyy dan disahihkan
juga oleh Al Albaaniyy)

Bangsa tu (dengan izin Allah) dimuliakan dengan Islam. Mulianya Melayu dulu-dulu pun sebab Islam. Tapi bila Melayu tu sendiri meninggalkan Islam dan menjadi Meleis, tengok la apa dah jadi.

Nah, nak salahkan sapa kalau bukan diri sendiri? Dicabutnya keIslaman dalam individu Melayu tu dicampaknya kat bangsa lain yang memang dok tgh cari agama, cari kebenaran. Multiply that to 100,000 or maybe more. Tak ke jadi masalah macam tu?

Kalau orang tu dah tak nak hidayah, dicabutnya hidayah daripada dia then dicampakkan kat orang lain. Jadi, kita yang dah lahir Islam ni jom la reramai bersyukur dengan nikmat iman, nikmat Islam. Tunjukkan kat semua orang kita la umat yang terbaik (Kuntum Khaira Ummatin... Ali Imran, verse 110) baru la orang tertarik nak mendekati, mendalami Islam.

For me, gurau pape pun takpe tapi kalau dah masuk bab agama pun nak dibuat main, nak dipertikai,  memang takde toleransi dah.

Aku ni bukanlah baik sangat macam brader2 dalam novel "cinta Islamik" korang tu pun (yes girls, I do know how those guys' characteristics are like! :P) tapi at least sedang cuba berusaha untuk jadi khalifah kalau tak untuk ummah pun (besar tu), at least jadi imam untuk isteri n anak2 aku pun nanti pun dah kira cukuplah #eh.

Jadi, bila kata-kata ustaz dan alim ulamak pun kita nak tolak,
Kebatilan nak ditegakkan sementara yang hak pula cuba dihapuskan,
Sapa lagi kita nak ikut? Fikir-fikirkanlah.

Nota kaki :

1. This is a definition of a Malay and a Meleis for me:
    Malay : mengekalkan budaya Melayu, sopan santun, berpegang kuat pada Islam.
    Meleis: stripped off of their so-called 'Kemelayuan', narrow minded (read: shallow).

2. A few things that I've mentioned would touch upon 'tasawwuf' knowledge which I'm not going to    dwell further, since I'm still learning it. Belum cukup ilmu lagi nak terangkan kat orang.

3. Kalau ade pape yg salah esp dlm bab yg sentuh psl tasawuf tu tlg tegur.

4. Segala teguran, pandangan ditujukan kat diri sendiri jugak, hamba yang hina ni.

5. In fact, mana2 Arab yang aku pernah bagi salam dulu pun dijawab dengan sempurna, bukan sebab dia nmpak aku pi masjid je. Tapi sayangnya Meleis2 don't share the same view.

6. Setiap entry yang jejak kaki nye dalam blog ni contentnye aku dah search thoroughly from reliable sources to make it foolproof. If there's any mistake jgak, jgn disimpan. Mohon di bagi tau hokayh ~

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Diskriminasi; Aku. HA?

Assalamualaikum ... greetings, earthlings! 

Ramadhan mula nak melabuhkan tirainya, cube cek diri kita sat, "Camne aku tarbiah diri aku sendiri sepanjang Ramadhan kali ini?" 

Mungkin ni last post kot that I'll be making....before going off untuk beraye kat Johor nanti. Bertolak petang esok rasanya..singgah kl sehari then terus pi direct la gamaknye. 

Main2 ape.... ak balik Pontian ni haa Kawasan jajahan Jawa dan Bugis tu! #eh

Ok enough with the chit chat, now to get on the topic. Now, as I reach 21 (still green, I know), banyak jugak yg aku lalui, dengan Chinese look gini -inherited from my ah kong. Bless u, old man  -  bergaul dengan komuniti yang majoritinye Melayu-Islam, kekadang aku terasa awkward jugak bila berada dalam majlis full dengan mereka ni. 

Now, I'm not making a huge fuss out of it, since dah biasa dah dengan dialog lebih kurang mcm ni, 

"Eh ingatkan awak ni cina" 

"Hi, sir what can I get for you, sir?" ----waiter tu xtau aku leh cakap Melayu dengan fasihnye LOL

dan bnyk kali jugak Uncle2 kedai or brader/amoi promoter cong ceng2 dengan aku kalo jalan sorg2 kat Qb ke pape ke. Nasib baik aku tau a little bit of Hokkien. Boleh la mnyamar sat; lepaskan diri! Hahah

Recent events prompted me to come up with this post, sambil share sikit2 pe yang aku pernah blaja satu ketika dulu...

Semalam, assignment aku satu je...kena pi Tabung Haji, Bayan Lepas cover event donation dari federal government utk kariah masjid & golongan underserved la (single mothers, OKU, warga tua, miskin) sempena Ramadhan. 

*banyak event macam ni dihighlightkan time Ramadhan ni* 

Masa tu aku dah lewat sebenarnya...yela dah tempat dekat je dari umah so boleh la rilek2 bawak kete slow2 pi ke tempat kejadian. heh heh 

Malu bertanya, sesat jalan. Banyak bertanya xtau malu, ye dok? Jadi dah sampai2 aku tanya la sorang pakcik ni (pakai uniform). 

"Assalamualaikum encik. Kat mane ye event Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop tu?" 

Tak dijawabnye salam tu =.= padahal makhraj huruf sume betul dah uollss. takpe la sangka baik dia tak dengar (padahal dh cukup adequate pun volume suara aku time tu)...tapi tak pe la dia tnjuk dah tempatnye. 

Maka aku pun rushing la ---masa tu I'm running late! >.< 

Then jumpe lagi sorang ni brader pkai baju F1 Barisan (ni event Barisan hokay), "Assalamualaikum, bang...Sy Adam dari The Sun. Event dh mula ke? Kot mana sy nk masuk ye?" 

Tak dijawab hu sedih nye. Bukan sekali dua kena mcm ni. Banyak sgt dh, smpai kekadang tu malas jugak nk bagi salam. Setakat "good morning" dan sewaktu dengannya lah even though aku berurusan dengan depa nih. 

*Seriously, I felt awkward that day being in there..terasa mcm depa dok usha aku ja* 

Kadang2, if I'm in the mood, aku kenekan jugak diorang ni ckp Manglish, buat2 tak reti cakap melayu btul2. hahaha *oh tak baik ish3* 

Ok serius *ahem*. Sebenarnya kita sebagai Muslim, kalau org bukan Islam bagi salam, boleh aje jawab. Tapi ada caranya. Tu pentingya ilmu...walaupun sedikit tapi boleh aplikasi kalo permaslahatan mcm ni jadi.... 

Contoh kalo ade member kita non-Muslim bagi salam "Assalamualaikum" sebagai tanda mutual respect, takkan la kita xnak jawab? Boleh tersinggung member kita ni...nanti persepsi dia kat org Islam cmne pulak, kan? 

So, boleh jawab sebenarnya. Paling selamat, boleh jawab "Wa'alika", maksudnye 'ke atas kamu'. Before coming out with this post, I've done some simple readings la, nak pastikan sume yang aku tulis ni legit, n kalo ada yang ragu2 boleh rujuk terus kat sources yg dipakai utk post ni (everything is cited, don't worry). 

Yang kat bawah ni petikan dari

Macam mana pula dengan orang kafir yang beri salam kat kita?

Siapa pernah kena situasi macam ni? Angkat tangan. Apa yang anda buat? 
Menjawab salam? Atau buat bodoh je atau memalingkan muka ke tempat lain?

Satu benda yang anda patut tahu iaitu jangan sesekali memberi salam kepada orang kafir. Haram hukumnya. Larangan memberi salam ini berlaku terhadap Yahudi, Nasrani, dan juga penyembah berhala. Kerana salam merupakan penghormatan kaum muslimin, penghormatan di dunia dan akhirat.

"salam penghormatan kepada mereka (orang-orang mukmin itu) pada hari mereka menemui-Nya ialah 'salam'." (Surah Al-Ahzab : 44)

Jadi apabila ada orang kafir yang memberi salam kepada kita maka kita (muslim) wajib menjawabnya. Bagaimana caranya? Mari kita tambah-tambahkan lagi ilmu kita.

Jika orang kafir itu beri salam tidak jelas atau dengan salam yang sengaja diubahnya seperti 'Assamalaikum' maka kita menjawabnya dengan 'Wa`alaikum' (dan atas kalian).

Jika salamnya jelas 'Assalamualaikum', maka kita jawab salam mereka 'Wa`alaikumussalam'.
Aik? Kenapa boleh jawab salam mereka dengan sempurna pulak? Kita ambil balik dalil ini.
"Apabila kamu dihormati dengan suatu penghormatan, maka balaslah penghormatan itu dengan yang lebih baik, atau balaslah dengan yang serupa." (Surah An-Nisa :86)

Ayat di atas tidak di sebutkan : Apabila orang-orang muslim memberi penghormatan kepada kamu. Tetapi dengan ayat yang umum. Jadi sesiapa sahaja pun yang beri salam maka kita kena jawab.

Kalau lepas ni diberi salam oleh orang kafir maka anda dah tahu cara untuk jawab salam mereka. Jangan diam je atau memalingkan muka. Kecil hati mereka nanti.

Dari Qatadah, dari Anas bin Malik (radiallahua’anh) bahawa sahabat Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) telah bertanya kepada baginda: “Bahawa ahli kitab (Yahudi dan Kristian) memberi salam kepada kami, maka bagaimana kami membalasnya? Baginda menjawab: Jawablah dengan ucapan wa’alaikum”. (Hadis Muslim, Abu Daud, an-Nasai dan Ibn Majah)
Para ulama’ bersetuju bahawa cara yang dibolehkan menjawab salam orang bukan Islam hanyalah sekadar menyebut ucapan “wa’alika” atau “wa’alaikum” dan ia hendaklah dikhususkan kepada kafir zimmi sahaja. (Tafsir al-Mazhari, 2/175)

Yang ni pulak dari Dr Maza (Ust. Asri - bekas mufti perlis / lecturer USM, school humanities ) 
"Maka jika keadaan berbeza, di mana jika ada bukan muslim memberikan salam dengan cara yang betul serta tujuan yang betul pula iaitu untuk mengucapkan kesejahteraan kepada kita, maka hadis di atas tiada kaitan lagi. Apakah wajar untuk kita sebagai penganut agama yang membawa kesejahteraan dan rahmah, menolak ucapan baik orang lain dengan cara yang tidak sepatutnya?!!. Sudah pasti tidak wajar demikian."

Jadi itulah aje setakat ni, harap dapat la kita sume dapat satu input baru, insya Allah. 

Tak tau la nanti kat kampung boleh x nk online. Nak dapat satu bar kat henpon pun sakit. 
And finally...

Maaf Zahir Batin. 
Enjoy2 makan kuih raya, ibadah jangan lupa. :) 


*Kalo ada pape komen / teguran silalah tinggalkan kat ruang komen ye. Trimas :)*