Monday, December 17, 2012

DIY Project: Popping Le Cherry

Salam, greetings~

Ok ini projek DIY pertama aku wehh *eksaited* 

Minor diy je ni, buat smoked signal lamp Wira. Setelah me-refer beberapa blog dan forum, aku pun mula berasa teruja nak buat diy sendiri. 

dan memandangkan hari tu kaki terseliuh...jatuh longkang..malunye (-__-') , menyebabkan xdpt p gym la hari dari dok diam2 takde keje baik buat mende berfaedah ye dok? hehe. 

Final product - mantap.
Buat mende ni kat sekitar rumah je..sambil2 tu boleh curi makanan kat rumah kan? hehehe. 

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan

1. High temperature Black Spray 
2. Silicone Adhesive 
3. Masking tape 
4. Air panas (to remove cover) 
5. Torch light
6. Philips screw flat head (to pry open the glass/plastic) 

Modding - Otw...done! 
So, let's get started! 


0. Buka hood *you Don't say* 

1. Mula-mula kena buka lampu kiri dan kanan. Dia ada spring yang tarik signal lamps ni cekang kat fender kereta. So, seluk2 bahagian tepi kereta. Look for a black ring. Kanan kereta: dekat2 ngan bateri. Kiri kereta: dekat2 ngan kotak relay fan. *boleh refer pics* 

2. Tarik spring tu then dah boleh release lampu signal tu. 

3. Guna air panas (in certain case ada sorang forumer tu guna oven. Woah) or hairdryer to melt the glue, thus releasing the plastic/glass cover. Guna skru driver philips, umpil pelan2. 
             -step ni aku skip sebab my cover lekang voluntarily. maklumla, barang dh lama. 

4. Letak masking tape around, leave some for the reflector. Kalo x malap lampu signal serupa tak dak, kan? 

5. Then...spray away! Pastikan spray rata. Buat several layers. Allow each layer to dry about 10-15 minutes *refer the spray can* 
           -jaga2 jangan spray smpai tutup lubang ventilation tu..for when the lamp gets hot, air could come in. Look closer, there's 2 holes on each sides of the lamp. 

6. Pasang balik, preferably pakai Silicone adhesive tadi. Make sure no water could sip in later. make it Water tight. Buat kemas2 yo. 

7. Biar sampai kering, then pasang balik. Now sit back and take a look - ok la nampak ganaz sikit. lol. 

All these are done under RM30. Worth it la considering you don't have to pay labour and get a new set of lamp which could cost twice...or thrice. 

Pictures semua kat bawah. Anything refer pics. 

Tu je la kot setakat ni. Nak dekat final exam ni...sempat lagi. hehe. 

Wish all the best to all those who will be having their final examination in universities (including me. 

Next DIY project maybe masa cuti la kot. 


Nota kaki: 

1. thinking of getting an F1 brake the item ady, but got no time ady. 
2. Next project in line also, modding the headlamp to a smoked headlamp..using the same method. 
3. Kudos to the forumers n bloggers that thought me with their posts. Thanks guys (Y)

4. [UPDATED] - next project in-line: 
    F1 brake lamp
    door soundproofing 
    vanity mirror 
    smoked headlamp 

Some pictures.  

LH: Under the relay fan box, there's the black ring. Pull it to release lamp
RH: the arrow shows the black ring. Pull it hoh

Friday, December 7, 2012

EntryPicisan: The Perks of Being Single

Tergerak hati nak buat post ni, pada suatu pagi. 

Being single. Ada masa best, ada masa tak best. Tapi percayalah, lagi banyak best daripada yang tak best..nape ek? 

Ok, mula dengan yang tak best la kan, sebab sikit. Hehe. 
Tak best sebab terasa kadang2 tu forever alone. Tu je kot. Haa satu-satunya kannn. 

Sekarang, mula dengan yang BEST pulak yeeee: 
- jimat duit > tak payah belanja kat benda-benda nonsense/impulsive things

- perasaan terjaga > tak yah nak susah2 hati kalau gaduh ke pape ke. Takyah nak jaga hati orang. Jaga hati sendiri jerrr 

- tak dapat dosa free all the time > ni tak yah cakap banyak dah laaa kan? hehehe. 
sedangkan panas dunia pun kita tak tahan, apatah lagi panas kat sana ye dokk???  

- banyak masa dgn kawan2 > nak tak nak, kawan2 jugak yg kita blh rely on bila ada masalah. kalo partner ni gaduh sikit dah xleh nak pape sgt dh, apatah lagi kalau dah clash. But for friends, they'll always be there for us :') 

- takyah renyah2 > tak pyh buat benda renyah (leceh) hari2..mcm allocating time for hypothetical 'us' to message/sms/call. Takyah nak wish2 morning ke , gudnite ke...pape ke. Takyah nak pikir ape surprise nak bagi kat dia..yeah and all those little little things lah 

- tak kene nag > ohhh yang ni cukup sakit hati kalau asik kene nag jee. Itu salah, ini salah. Nak buat tu xley, nak buat ni xley. Kalo buat gak gaduh = leceh.

Nagging. Contoh la, skrg ni aku simpan rambut panjang. Besar cita-cita nak simpan macam Noh Hujan :3 I just want to feel like that just for once in my life, then maybe no more. I'm not asking much. 

I tried to do that last time, pastu kene pressure+nag. I was like, "rambut aku, suka hati akulah" tapi sebab xnak cite panjang, potong jugak lah (-___-)

*Even my parents pun x nag, hokay?* 

Now, I feel like "bapak ah free gile wehhh!!!" BEBAS - but still dalam lingkungan agama la kan *you don't sayyy* 

For now, I my mindset is just on charting my life for the present and the future, simpan je la untuk yang halal. I may stumble on her one day nanti, bila dah ditentukan. 

Bila dah ada kerja dan hidup yang stabil, baru la cari. Senang. Takde headache. Or, when I own a Passat CC (droolsssss :3 ) THEN I'll go and find a wife.Nothing's impossible kannnn. 

Oklah. Habis. Kbai. 

Passat CC - to get this thing on the road itself pun will cost about RM10K. Woha! 

EntryPicisan: Ramblings Sebab Tak Boleh Tido

Aku kenyang
Aku tak boleh tido. 
Esok kena bangun awal pagi, meeting prom night tu. 
Inilah #firstWorldProblems. 

Gara-gara melantak at Seoul Garden tadi ngan depa sume ni lahhhh...lama dah plan sebenarnya. Hehe. Sedap jugak la. 
Yes, it was my first time *pop cherry* 

Hari ni (Khamis) tak banyak sgt aktiviti. Cuma satu jam je kelas tutorial. Then tengahari tu pi Oncost yang dekat Khaleel BJ tu, nak pasang fog lamp

Pilih kedai tu sebab harga diorang sama ngan harga kat internet ...ok lah tuuu.
Antara sebab pi Oncost sebab kedai Ah Beng Sungai Dua tu mahal sangat....Depa mark-up harga melampau2..pastu takde diskaun pulak tu. Padahal belanja banyak. Freebies pun takde. 

At least kalo nak charge mahal2 bagi la freebies ke...pape ke. Ni xde. So, setelah survey barang online (contemplated on doing it DIY style, tp satu komponen yang Ah Beng allegedly kata rosak aku xdpt cari sbb xtau nama)...last2 pi Oncost je la. 

Splitter yang ok lagi. 

Ni gamba kat seblah kiri ni...skit lagi nak kne katok kat kedai Ah Beng for RM38...dia ckp da rosak. Pomen dia patahkan it's dangling in my hood. Cis -.- 

Tu pun fog lamp dia nak cas RM75 one pair...kat Oncost dapat tukar 2 pairs RM100+ je campur installation. 

Tengok kat Oncost ok je xyah tuka. Alhamdulillah. nasib baik x kena...huhu. 

Masa menunggu tu perasan lah banyak semut crawling over my Wiwi. and I was like, "macam ada sarang depa je...huhu.." and I dig2 la a bit whilst waiting..and I found byk daun halus2 tu kat my roof lining. Kena bukak and cuci thoroughly la gamaknye. Replacement will cost RM120 EACH.
*Ooohhh...where will I get such money?? T.T* 

Takpe la..benda tu kene tunggu sat la. Lupakan benda ni...Sabtu ni nak main yeay! ^0^ 

Ni dah sapu2 sikit pakai tangan

Horror kan uollss?
And I decided before going to makan2 with le gang, aku ingat nak pasang soundproofing panel kat bonnet. Dah beli since last week, RM48 je..kat 

Senang je sebab dia dah ada tape 3M lekat, n umum sedia maklum tape ni memang kuat (Y) 
Memula lap dulu bagi bersih, tak nak kotor2 nanti xdpt lekat lama. 

Kat bawah ni before and after pasang. Biar semalam dulu bagi lekat leklok before exposing it to the engine's heat. 

Overall, semua siap slightly over 30 minutes, in time for Maghrib prayer and siap2 nak p makan..hehe. 

Kalau minat DIY, buat je...puas hati wor. Ni baru sikit2 la sebab xde sumber pendapatan lagi :B

Tu je setakat ni! Hehe. :) 


Nota kaki:

1. barang yang jual kat internet biasanya lebih murah dari kat kedai. Tak percaya? Search jee 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

EntryPicisan: Aku, dan DIY

Salam, greetings. 

Nampak sangat kan tak cohesive nye tajuk ni? Aku dan DIY.....what?? 

Senang cakap, I'm more to like a DIY guy la..aku suka kerja 'hands-on' ni. I like to explore things, taking them apart, then assembling them back. It's just a thing that I like to do. 

Macam sume orang kan ada hobi memasing, or habit memasing kan? So, the same applies to me also. 
Kiranya aku ni suka bukak2 bende, explore around a bit, then pasang balik or better off, try to fix it lah. Sejak dari kecik lagi la macam ni. 

Dan cara ni pun bagus sebenarnya. Kalo ikut cakap bapak aku (brader Jawa) cara terbaik untuk didik anak tu la..bagi dia buat kerja hands on, biar dia belajar sendiri what's right from wrong, learning from mistakes by doing it themselves. Kalau salah ye dia akan tinggalkan. Kalo betul ye dia buat lagi. 

The 'flusher'
So, when I acquired my hand-me-down ride from my mom, of course la what I did was explore around, especially those detailing mcm accessories and the engine part, checking the essentials...just to make sure that it is in prime condition. 

Long story short, I checked the radiator....horror gile weh! Karat2 everywhere...and I asked her when was the last time you changed your radiator fluid? My mom answered "many years ago"...and I was like. Okay (-_-)

Ha nak masukkan ni next week rasanya.
A simple google search, going through this and that forum and watching a few YouTube clips, I found out that the best Radiator coolant would be Toyota punye brand...and for that karat thing, kena guna radiator flush. 

Last weekend I put in that radiator flush, botol tu cakap - kena bawak 3-6 hours driving which is equivalent to 1 week of usage (normal driving condition) n then kena flush lagii....tengok la kalau rajin mungkin buat video tutorial kot...then post it on YouTube. hehehe.  

And the one that aku letak's a good radiator flush la 'cos arahan dia sume ada kt blakang botol..and it is idiot-proof. very detailed instructions. Boleh jumpa kat Tesco besar aka Tesco jelutong...ala yg dekat ngan E-Gate tu. 


Nota kaki: 

1. DIY = Do-it-yourself. Buat sendiri. Cara mudah & murah untuk get things done, and learn a couple of new skills and things along the way too! 

2. Hand me down pun...Alhamdulillah ^^ 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

EntryPicisan: Field Work


Ok so this is the last thing that I'll do before hitting the sack....writing a blog entry. 

Wow, instead of reciting the Quran before sleep, you're doing this??? Ok pedas. -.- 
I love to 'kenakan' myself with words or phrases yang pedas2...I think it's an internal mechanism for me to keep myself within what is right and what is wrong. Alhamdulillah for that. (Y) 

Whether or not I did the latter, let us leave it to only me and His knowledge, ye? 

Right. I've to turn in veeeerry early since tomorrow all those who are taking the bomb (BOM 112 - Ecology) 
will be going to Taman Negara Pulau Pinang. Dunno the place? ala tempat ada Pantai Kerachut tuuu...

I'm not really enthusiastic to go there, first being I'll have to be at bio school 7.30am ON THE DOT.....then being my 2nd time doing an Ecology field work* and's on a Saturday!  T.T 

Whine as much as I would and could, I'd still have to go xpe la....swallow the bitter pill je lah. 

Troublesome for me a bit to sleep early, since I'm still full from dinner....#firstWorldProblems . 

Have to try also lah kan? 
Bebarang sudah di pack, so what more? 'Tis time to hit the sack! 
Here's to a great weekend. 

Goodnight dumplings! 

p/s: yenna dey I heard that the YES (year end sale) macam dah start kat Queensbay. there goes all of our allowances kan? Those capitalists must be really happy at this time of the year. kih3. 

Nota kaki: 

1. *I did it (field work) in 2011 when I was in Terengganu.. Back then, it was carried out at Sekayu Forest Reserve...syiok punya tempat to go mandi2, picnic....and doing some field work*