Tuesday, September 11, 2012

EntryPicisan: Semester Tiga.

A notable figure once said this : 

"Sometimes I feel like a little kid trapped in this 21 year-old body...."

Ok that's it. I've said it. 

*for those who didn't get it, that was a quote I quoted from myself = quoteception ye*

Assalamualaikum, greetings! 

Stepping into second day in this third semester of mine, sometimes I felt as if time is moving faster year by year when actually it is! *duhhhh*

At the time of writing, I have just finished putting the final touches in my room, having done cleaning, unpacking and tidying things up around here....nice view la. They've transferred all of us EFP students into one cubicle! Now that's what I call über cool~ 

New semester means new spirit! Right. After that little 'bump' during last semester, it somehow affects me (very little I might add) and well, as I had done the impossible during asasi time, I am sure insya Allah I can do the same thing here. Amin. 

Regarding my stint as a trainee journalist at The Sun Penang Bureau, all I can say is I learned A LOT. It opened my eyes, thus resetting my worldview.

Jadi MATURE sikit la gamaknye *coughs* 

 Yes, what my boss said during that 'interview' prior to the day I started working there was right, "this experience will change you,". And here I am, testifying to that statement. 

What I gained could not be bought by money as it is priceless in its own right. And by right, now I know where I'm heading (or at least get the gist of it) plus, there are a few essential areas that I need to improve also.

 I really enjoyed my working experience [thank you uollss] and it is a far cry from what I have been exposed to before - yela, jadi kuli kedai makan; blue collar worker memang la lain dari keje white collar nih....

So, all in all, entry ni dibuat sedangkan internship report masih lagi di pertengahan jalan! *tsk* *tsk* 

Beginning with this new sem, Insya Allah kita tong sampahkan sikap suka "procrastinate" ye? Hehehe. 

Itu je setakat ni. Keep fabeles uollss~! 

P/s: I made headline once before the internship period ended. Alhamdulillah :)


Nota kaki: 

1. EFP - English For Professionals

2. I might just add in my internship report; "sometimes we surf 9gag at workplace just to pass time" .... LOL!! XD 

3. My only regret is that I tak sempat nak troll orang using that soaked torn toilet roll cardboard mashed up into a lump to the shape of human poo. kih3.

4. Maybe one of you guys could try #3 up there, kan? 

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