Thursday, October 11, 2012

Leaving The Toilet Seat Up

"Could you NOT keep the toilet seat up each time you're done with it??" 

*nods* - no verbal response, a wise move made by the dude to avert another lengthy argument that may arise should he respond verbally. 

Assalamualaikum, greetings Earthlings!  

Another sleepless night would equal to another entry, boleh tak?  Eh okay, that was a lie. The first sentence was just a figure of speech...I made.

It's 2 O'clock in the morning already, but I don't feel like getting a sleep anytime now...yet. - not before I'm done with this post at least!

So far for me, everything has been running smoothly, Alhamdulillah. *tak salah cakap Alhamdulillah banyak2*

I love the way things are going right now. It seems for me that everything are falling into their rightful place, and I was, am and will be there to witness and experience it.

Getting down to the short alleged conversation between a supposedly a dude and his wife, what do you think they're arguing about?

Okay, it's about THE toilet seat.

Apparently, it occurred to me that this is an issue among some. (yeah, I'm that slow in picking this issue up. I suppose it's an old issue but I find it new, and worthy of a post)

Some would bicker for days or have an internet debate about trivial matters such as this one for hours or even, days.

Now, the issue here is not just about leaving the toilet seat siree! The toilet seat case was just an example to describe the heart of this post which is pertaining "Trivial Matters that somehow get more airtime in our mind than they should"

We must admit, at some point in our lives, there must be moments when we would get annoyed by trivial matters, and somehow would argue or sireh (gossip) about it with our friends leading up to no solutions, just a little bit of satisfaction kononnya dapat lepaskan perasaan la (padahal dapat dosa. Astaghfirullah)

Like in the case of leaving the toilet seat up, I just came to know it recently when I read posts in 9gag (yes, I'm a 9gagger jugak, lol) and people would bicker or make a big deal about it.

A simple internet search revealed that this is an issue among women in the context of Western countries lah, there aren't many Asian girls/women that would complain about this issue publicly. ----malu kot. hahaha

Serius doh.....we men leave them up because we want them to get dried...yela those water droplets won't grow legs and jump off the toilet seat, won't they? hehehe.

Other examples would be a person may be annoyed when his/her roomate keeps locking the door even if they're inside, or a person using a public facility without putting those things back in their rightful place, then we would get annoyed....'eating' up the bandwith of our thinking capacity with trivial matters, having thoughts such as "Eh kenape la dia ni bla bla bla...."

Therefore, if you'd find some things to be trivial and not such a big deal, it is advisable to just overlook it, close one eye and just let go of it, 'cos letting go of things somehow could act as a therapy, too.

That was it. To leave them up or not to leave them up, it's a personal choice lah. No biggie, kan?


Nota Kaki: 

1. I don't say boyfriend and girlfriend, 'cos as a Muslim I oppose strongly people who aren't married who live together. Call me old fashioned, but even in a figurative speech, I refuse to endorse such acts by stating them even as examples. 

2. Kalau sehari tak bukak 9gag dah rasa tak syok, kenapa tak rasa yang serupa kalau tak bukak Al-Quran setiap hari? #muhasabahDiri 

3. Random: Having a whole playlist containing Skrillex's tracks are not that bad actually when having a cardio session or hitting the gym. It makes you want to push your body to the limit. 

4. Doakanlah perubahan yang aku buat ni, yang istiqamah. Perlahan-lahan kayuh, bak kata member. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

EntryPicisan: Ramblings Sebelum Tido

Salam and Greetings,

My 'Hectic September' already ends, so here I am, waking up to reality, feeling the serene atmosphere that I find myself immersed within.

Aura positive tu penting ye kawan2. Boleh buat kita sume happy, dok dlm cloud nine gitu. hahaha.

Tak banyak nak diperkatakan, Alhamdulillah kerja translation tu dah siap akhirnya. (Y) Dah submit. Menungu sedikit2 la yang akan dapat nanti. Rezeki Allah. *syukur*

Kepada pengguna Android yang nak tau pasal Umrah / Haji, boleh la download android app kat Google Play. Nama app tu 'M-umrah'; app yang dibangunkan a group of lecturers from Computer Sciences school, USM..kira macam Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) depa la ni...

Oh, kalo minat nk baca nasihat Ustaz Azhar Idrus hari2 pun boleh. just search 'UAI' kat Google Play jak.

Sekarang sedang jugak menabung untuk masa depan. Tak tau apa yang akan jadi nanti, kan?

Musim hujan sekarang, perbahan cuaca. Batuk2 demam everywhere. Diri ni tak terkecuali jugak. Sekarang syukurlah tengah recover.

The term 'cendol' then was coined to suit the context of some of my peers when referring to the latter, aforementioned in the previous paragraph.

Entry tak panjang rasanya, kepala tengah ting tong ni. Akibat makan ubat batuk terlebih dos - kes malas amek sudu.  #kenaGetah

So long. Keep positive. Tingkatkan amalan kita bersama, marilah, 'cos You Only Die Once (YODO), but you'll live twice (dunia, akhirat)

Marilah cari redhaNya.



Nota kaki :

1. Aku guna term #kenaGetah in conversations, posts which is a term I acquired while working dulu2...yang membawa maksud 'akibat daripada perbuatan salah/mengarut/silly yang self-implied or dibuat kt orang lain....

2. Google Play ; equivalent of Apple's App Store