Saturday, July 7, 2012

Of 'cuti panjang' and Internship. Oh my!


Ok got the shock of my life today. bukak2 tengok sume gambar dalam belog ni dah hilang, digantikan dengan gmbar hitam dengan tanda seru. so, kene edit and delete sume gambar. oh my T.T 

The Sun-paper ni free je. Grab one la uollss! :) 
Lesson learned : lain kali guna external links like photo-sharing websites la kalo nak letak gambar dalam entry. Server blogger macam xley harap sgt je. -no offense- 

Untuk bebudak ipta sekarang ni memang tengah cuti lah. untunglah korang boleh enjoy cuti 2 months full. bagi yang pandai cari duit tu lagi la huntung. Paling kureng pun blh generate dlm RM600-700 la gitu keje part time kan. 

Bagi kami budak2 English Pro, memang takde la nak kata istilah cuti2 ni. Sume cuti panjang between semester digunakan sepenuhnya untuk buat Latihan Industri ni aka LI (internship) lah. 

Kalo bernasib baik bolehla dpt elaun / gaji drpd majikan kita time LI tu kan. Kalo x pun dapat makan free....paling teruk kalo xdapat mende. oh sedihnye *poker face* 

Tapi pape pun, keep positive la kan. Walaupun tak dapat gaji, tapi pengalaman tu tetaplah mende yang paling berharga. 

Untuk aku pulak, since I've secured a place as a trainee journalist at The Sun Penang. Just done with my first week, and so far ok lah. Got to go to places, meet up with people from (almost) all walks of life (yet, because this is just the first week, kan). Ok la so far.

Need to do a lot of reading, learn how to come up with a report that has all the information and also comprehensible for the readers because newspaper readers came from all walks of life. From the mak ciks, uncles, corporate chimps in suits, taxi drivers, etc. etc.

The report needs to be short since we at The Sun has a very limited space. therefore, space constraints. bazinga! 

Oh, and the report must be grammatical too!  If not, then 'malu' lah for us, since we're majoring in English kan. *tsk* *tsk*

My first ever report! Hehe 
So here I am as a young hopeful, hoping to survive in this work environment. My experience so far is just knowing how to handle rude/ annoying restaurant customers who'll always (well, most of the time) come up with uncouth remarks about how our service is bad/slow etc...well, for starters, we've got many customers to handle, not only you lorh~ 

More on that later....(or never, heh =P) 

So that's all for now! 

 Maybe in future entries I'll talk about something else pulak lah,things that will be more appealing such as general interests ke, pape ke. *kalo rajin* 


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