Sunday, December 14, 2014

Life As a Working Adult

Kadang-kadang, susah nak percaya yang aku ni dah masuk dunia kerja, dah tinggalkan alam universiti. No more lectures, no more tuang kelas lepas tu pi breakfast kat Sardon, no more bersesak-sesak dalam bas komuter USM, no more main pool kat more this, no more that. 

Terasa lain sangat, sampai asyik teringat yang aku ni dok buat internship instead of working in the real world. 

Salam and GreetingsSmiley

Haaa deep tak mukadimah aku tadi? Acah-acah novel Melayu bak hang! (padahal tak pernah baca novel Melayu lulz). Sedang dalam proses menyesuaikan diri dalam dunia baru ni, observing and learning all the time, so that I would not appear as an awkward noob. 

Last time, I prayed that I will get a job which entails a lot of travelling, and this is what I got now and I am very thankful to Allah for that (Alhamdulillah). What I had in mind was that I will be working in Journalism, covering stories around town i.e. not staying in an office from 9 - 5, or even being an assistant researcher as my first job in Penang. But what I got now, working at TalentCorp / Talent Corporation Malaysia is better than expected, sampai kekadang tu terasa lega dapat duduk office tak pergi ke mana-mana..hehe. 

*travel bukan suka-suka ye. Penuh dengan kerja tau (virtual office)...korang jgn ingat aku travel suka-suki melancong se-Malaysia okayyy

So far I have traveled all over the country and met a lot of people from all over the country. Sebelum ni tak pernah jejak Kelantan, Sabah & Sarawak..sekarang dah! And kalau tak silap just within my first month, I had my first airport transfer - took a flight from Labuan to KLIA, and then hang out for a few hours there, before taking another flight to Kelantan; all for work purposes mind you. Such experience!  

Teringat lagi, dulu-dulu masa belajar, nak ada RM100 dalam poket pun susah...sekarang ni lebih dari tu pun senang-senang je. But I had to trade that with not being able to go kai-kai to shopping malls on, I sleep earlier each night...tak tau kenapa, bila dah kerja ni nak tido lewat pun susah. mengantuk wehh. 

Now that I am earning my own money, I am more careful in spending it..takde dah beli benda tak pikir 2x sekarang. :3 Setiap ringgit itu merupakan titisan peluh hasil kerja okayyy...padahal office aircond. 

I am still learning and will continue learning to make myself better. Dah lama tak menulis ni rasa gian pulak. Haha. Nak DIY Wiwi pun dah macam takde idea. Hari tu baru tukar autoflip mirror kat kedai, sebab nak wiring tak reti takut terbakar kereta. Projek lepas ni rasa macam nak tukar enjin dari 4G13 ke 4G93 1.8L SOHC (still better and cheaper than getting a new car altogether!) but I'm still considering it heavily. 

And so, for my beloved juniors (gittew) here are some useful pointers: 

  • English tu penting untuk dapat kerja 
  • Tak semestinya kerja bidang yang kita belajar 
  • If you go to career fairs, try to ask something better than "Syarikat ni buat apa ye?"/"What is (insert company name here) all about?" - seriously? Do your own research first! Google syarikat tu on your smartphones! You may think your question makes you sound smart, but it is not..sorry. 
  • Masa interview, jangan cakap buruk pasal orang/company. Heck, no negative words at all! Research them on their website, lagi elok if you go and find news about the company (if any) and then present them during interview
  • Limit your resume to two (2) pages only. No pictures of yourselves as people are judgmental, unless specified that you've to put it there. 
Spoiler: Kalau ada rezeki, aku datang balik USM bagi career talk masa #EKSPEN2015

Itu sahaja. Jumpa lagi di masa hadapan.



  1. Salam :) hi. I don't know whether i sempat tak nak get some advice from you, or rather, sanggup ke you nak share with me. But I hope you will. I've got a soft skill assessment tomorrow dekat SC, I tried to find a few sample tests or anything on the net but..they are limited. Quite nervous, then I found your posts in lowyat forum. Would you mind sharing with me how is this last stage working? It's gonna be the last one before I can be offered an AM position by them. I'll leave my email here just in case you feel like responding to this question privately.

    Thank you :)

    1. Wasalam Suehanna,

      Replied to you through email. I just noticed your comment this morning. Sorry for the late reply. hopefully all went well for your test (Y)

  2. Hi there! Came across your blogpost regarding your internship in Penang Institute. I, for one, is highly interested in doing my internship there. Do you mind sharing your experience with me during your period there? And maybe what should I do to further enhance my application? I'll leave my email here for a private response :)

    Thank you! :)
