Baru sedar aku agak aktif jugak ye buat posting bulan Julai ni. Mungkin nak 'brush-up' writing skills sikit-sikit rasnaya.
Maka, menari-narilah jari-jemariku di atas papan kekunci ini, menulis apa sahaja yang terbuku di hati. Ok, sastera sikit kan.
Since this is where I share my dreams, visions, opinions, feelings...yada yada yada therefore ape salahnya letak posting yang ni pulak ,sebagai future reference, as a friendly reminder from my past self here in 2012...kepada myself in the future. Keep it cool bro.
Whatever you turn out to be when you're reading this, remember your dreams, hope and those things. Keep it alive, keep it real..then realise it.
Aku ada impian, banyak impian, tapi salah satu yang antaranya agak prominent, mungkin yang ni.
Ok, here goes. This is my picture of an ideal family yang aku nak wujudkan satu hari nanti, insya Allah. :)
For starters, small or big family tu tak kesah sangatlah. Rezeki Allah bagi, bersyukur je. Two to four children would be ok, with mixed gender. Ada la kepelbagaian kerenah kan. ^^
Then I'm okay with helping my wife around in the house...memang dah terbiasa pun dok kemas2 rumah, sidai baju, dll......tak pun memasak.
Memasak? Surprise surprise! Aku reti la memasak sikit2..setakat nasi/bihun/mi goreng boleh la...spaghetti, n bende kari2 ni insya Allah beres. So, helping my wife around in the kitchen should be no problem.
It's a good thing too..sebab little things in life like these la yang akan eratkan bond between a husband and a wife. I know it's cheesy, but I can't help it. Itu yang aku nk buat nanti.
Fair game la..kalo dia keje, aku keje..memasing penat takkan nak suh dia buat sume..kene la tolong sikit2 kan? Kalau dia tak keje pun, I see nothing wrong in helping around the house. Show your love. Help her around the house. *amboih*
-if you ask me personally, I prefer having my wife not working, tapi regarding this matter, I can compromise la. dah blaja susah2 dpt degree ke pape ke..takkan tak nak keje-
Oh, and I'll make sure I have a job that can support my family, with me being as the only sole breadwinner. Dia boleh la kot buat bisnes dari rumah ke jual barang online ke...pape ke yg blh dari rumah.
And yet again, benda mcm ni boleh compromise, boleh dibawak bincang.
I'm okay with anything, nak kerja ke tak ke...terpulang~
Then at least I'm planning on solat berjemaah, maghrib n isyak la. with me being the imam (obviously)
Sebab, kalau nak isteri n anak2 dengar cakap, suami kene selalu mengimamkan solat jemaah bersama, gitu.
Then, mengaji lepas solat. Me and le wife semak la bacaan anak2...(segan jgk tulis pasal mende ni)
Then a short tazkirah by me to them, hasil catatan dari kelas pengajian yang aku follow sikit2 dari mrsm dulu and yang setiap hari Ahad ade tu kat tabung haji bayan lepas...kene la ada bekalan untuk Akhirat jgk ye dak?
And for the wife pulak, I'm sure she'll be a beautiful one in my eyes. Tak kesah la dia macam mane pun...tak awesome, boleh diajar jadi awesome. Tak reti english boleh diajar pandai english....tak reti troll, aku ajar dia cara nak troll org. Haha! *y so serious?*
In short, aku akan bimbing dia duniawi dan ukhrawi, insya Allah.
Anyway, tak kesahlah pandai ape ke tak pandai ape ke...nobody's perfect. We both can learn something from each other. That's what sharing lives meant, well, at least from one angle.
We can see things from different perspectives and angles to the extent that the possibilities are endless.
But one thing's for sure la...I'll treat her with respect. I'll be loyal, because I know how it felt when someone cheated on you.....saket sangat.
So...that's all for now rasenye. Banyak lagi impian aku tentang how my family nanti...tapi terasa segan pulak la nak tulis panjang lagi...hehe.
Spent quite some time on this post....dekat 2 jam rasanya. Sat lagi kene pi assignment at 2pm. That's another thing. Tak nak off topic sebab post ni special. *mengada*
Segalanya boleh, insya Allah suatu hari nanti.
Whoever you are...
I'll wait for you to start the journey to Jannah with me nanti, Insya Allah. Amin.
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