Eh, is the title controversial ?
Assalamualaikum and Greetings.
We are just a few days away from it, from the time of writing, there's just 7 days left for us to prepare to welcome the most rewarding month in the Islamic calendar; Ramadhan.
It is as if it's a year-end bonus from Allah to us, as a sign of His love towards us, ummat Muhammad, only that, the rewards are bigger and could be brought forward to the afterlife with us.
These past two weeks, when I began with my internship program, on my way to work, facing the daily doses of traffic jam to and fro my home and place of work, in which I have the opportunity to sit down by myself and reflect on the things that I've done in my life...the things that I did wrong and right...the sins I committed...for as the saying goes,
"Those who knew the real meaning of living are the ones who are dead"
"mereka yang mengetahui hakikat sebenar kehidupan adalah mereka yang telah mati"
This is a very remarkable and deep quote that I've stumbled upon a few years ago,
(in high school rasenye)
Only now do I know what it really means.
Only the dead knew what the ones who still are living are missing out; our chance of repenting are still open wide only that most of us do not make full use of it.
Then there's the fact that most of us are still fascinated with dunya, dancing in accordance to its masquerade....without realising that one day, we will be joining them, too....
Then as I was reflecting today, a random thought occurs...a voice inside my head echoes,
"Yenna dey, ni nak bulan puasa ni...xkan xnak melantak dulu...tak rase craving ke nak makan sushi ke, melantak subway ke di siang hari, satgi xbley dah weh,"
I contemplated then, thinking that yeah it's true, can't deny the fact that what my nafsu makan told me just now was right.
Just as I was about to take the turn to Queensbay, hoping to munch down on something good and fulfilling, my conscience sets in....
"Ko amal sikit, dosa banyak. Ade hati lagi nak ikut 'dia' suh makan tu, makan ni. Berapa kali sehari ko istighfar, selawat, tasbih, tahmid sume?" it said...
Then, I kena lagi you know, he added,
"Kau kalo mati sat lagi ke, dah ready ke? Sedekah jariah banyak mane...dosa buat ngan orang nak setel guane...hape cite der? Daripada ko pikir nak makan mende, baik ko plan cne nk manfaatkan Ramadhan ni. Bukan melantak je!"
Blushing spontaneously, immediately I cancelled, headed straight for home....pergh pedas beb kene tarbiah ngan own conscience!
Well, that's that's the problem with most of the people here(me at least); we take in more than what we need......
Sedangkan nanti physically kita bawak badan je yang dirinya sendiri bukan milik kita.
Who are we to abuse what has been given free to us from Him?
Lembutkanlah hati, tangisilah dosa2 kita yang lalu, moga ia tidak berulang lagi....
Marilah kita sama-sama pergunakan Ramadhan kali ini untuk kebaikan, insya Allah Ramadhan kali ni lagi baik dari Ramadhan yang lepas. Amin.
*pesanan ni jugak untuk diri sendiri. at least ada la kebaikan aku buat walaupun skit ye ^^ *
Looking at this picture would always result in ninjas cutting onions near my eyes. |