Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's one of those days. *sigh*


A wise Javanese (Jawa) man once told me,

"Ojo diawaki kabeh kui. Akeh meneh arep di ngaji" 

"Usah dilayan semua tu. Banyak lagi (yang) perlu dipelajari" 

In a way, I'm inclined to agree with that statement. 

If, taking into account everything that happens around us, there would be many distractions that could take us off the right track in achieving our dreams. 

Today is not the day that I'm cheerful as usual. I don't know why. But that shouldn't let me down.....

Things are the way they are meant to be. Segalanya sudah tertulis. Just live it up, menghadapilah dengan sikap yang positif. 

Hope days like these will not occur again in the future...hoping (again) that by the end of the day I'll be okay. 

The haze will go away, the sky will be clear and I'll greet that day with a smile across my face. 

Till then....Keep on striving! 


Monday, July 30, 2012

Impian : Satu Perjalanan.


Baru sedar aku agak aktif jugak ye buat posting bulan Julai ni. Mungkin nak 'brush-up' writing skills sikit-sikit rasnaya. 

Maka, menari-narilah jari-jemariku di atas papan kekunci ini, menulis apa sahaja yang terbuku di hati. Ok, sastera sikit kan. 

Since this is where I share my dreams, visions, opinions, feelings...yada yada yada therefore ape salahnya letak posting yang ni pulak ,sebagai future reference, as a friendly reminder from my past self here in 2012...kepada myself in the future. Keep it cool bro. 

Whatever you turn out to be when you're reading this, remember your dreams, hope and those things. Keep it alive, keep it real..then realise it. 

Tak pasti lah sama ada post kali ni aku nak share kat facebook ke tak...segan jugak kalau ade orang yang terbaca. Mungkin twitter je kot, due to a narrower viewership... *malu*

Aku ada impian, banyak impian, tapi salah satu yang antaranya agak prominent, mungkin yang ni. 

Ok, here goes. This is my picture of an ideal family yang aku nak wujudkan satu hari nanti, insya Allah. :) 

For starters, small or big family tu tak kesah sangatlah. Rezeki Allah bagi, bersyukur je. Two to four children would be ok, with mixed gender. Ada la kepelbagaian kerenah kan. ^^ 

Then I'm okay with helping my wife around in the house...memang dah terbiasa pun dok kemas2 rumah, sidai baju, dll......tak pun memasak. 

Memasak? Surprise surprise! Aku reti la memasak sikit2..setakat nasi/bihun/mi goreng boleh la...spaghetti, n bende kari2 ni insya Allah beres. So, helping my wife around in the kitchen should be no problem.

It's a good thing too..sebab little things in life like these la yang akan eratkan bond between a husband and a wife. I know it's cheesy, but I can't help it. Itu yang aku nk buat nanti. 

Fair game la..kalo dia keje, aku keje..memasing penat takkan nak suh dia buat sume..kene la tolong sikit2 kan? Kalau dia tak keje pun, I see nothing wrong in helping around the house. Show your love. Help her around the house. *amboih* 

-if you ask me personally, I prefer having my wife not working, tapi regarding this matter, I can compromise la. dah blaja susah2 dpt degree ke pape ke..takkan tak nak keje- 

Oh, and I'll make sure I have a job that can support my family, with me being as the only sole breadwinner. Dia boleh la kot buat bisnes dari rumah ke jual barang online ke...pape ke yg blh dari rumah. 

And yet again, benda mcm ni boleh compromise, boleh dibawak bincang. 

I'm okay with anything, nak kerja ke tak ke...terpulang~ 

Then at least I'm planning on solat berjemaah, maghrib n isyak la. with me being the imam (obviously) 

Sebab, kalau nak isteri n anak2 dengar cakap, suami kene selalu mengimamkan solat jemaah bersama, gitu. 

Then, mengaji lepas solat. Me and le wife semak la bacaan anak2...(segan jgk tulis pasal mende ni) 

Then a short tazkirah by me to them, hasil catatan dari kelas pengajian yang aku follow sikit2 dari mrsm dulu and yang setiap hari Ahad ade tu kat tabung haji bayan lepas...kene la ada bekalan untuk Akhirat jgk ye dak? 

And for the wife pulak, I'm sure she'll be a beautiful one in my eyes. Tak kesah la dia macam mane pun...tak awesome, boleh diajar jadi awesome. Tak reti english boleh diajar pandai english....tak reti troll, aku ajar dia cara nak troll org. Haha! *y so serious?* 

In short, aku akan bimbing dia duniawi dan ukhrawi, insya Allah. 

Anyway, tak kesahlah pandai ape ke tak pandai ape ke...nobody's perfect. We both can learn something from each other. That's what sharing lives meant, well, at least from one angle. 

We can see things from different perspectives and angles to the extent that the possibilities are endless. 

But one thing's for sure la...I'll treat her with respect. I'll be loyal, because I know how it felt when someone cheated on you.....saket sangat. 

So...that's all for now rasenye. Banyak lagi impian aku tentang how my family nanti...tapi terasa segan pulak la nak tulis panjang lagi...hehe. 

Spent quite some time on this post....dekat 2 jam rasanya. Sat lagi kene pi assignment at 2pm. That's another thing. Tak nak off topic sebab post ni special. *mengada* 
Segalanya boleh, insya Allah suatu hari nanti.

Whoever you are...

I'll wait for you to start the journey to Jannah with me nanti, Insya Allah. Amin. 


Time Filler


Rasa macam boring la jugak tengok layout blog aku nih.

Macam nak tukar something here.

Walaupun readership x seberapa, tapi setakat nak tengok syok-syok sendiri pun kene la ada 'eye candy' sikit kan?

Hence kene ade new look.

Mungkin nak kene bermain dengan simple photoshop ke ape ye.

Tengok la kalo rasa rajin. Kekadang dok kat office kalau xde assignment boring jugak.

Menatap skrin tanpa ada pape excitement pun.

Hik hik hik. #eh


Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramadhan Ramblings


Salam Ramadhan. 

Today we have moved in to a new office, near Bayview Hotel. It has got a very nice view overlooking George Town, so yeay! ^^ 

Ok, that was sort of being off topic. Hehe. Feel excited that finally I have a proper desk to do my work at! :) 

Now, I have a confession to be made. 

I don't like to go to bazaar Ramadhan. 

Dude, why so harsh? It's not like this melting pot of small, seasonal traders occurs throughout the year...Sekali setahun je, kan? 

Yep, sekali setahun. Ramadhan pun sekali setahun. 

And in this year-end bonus period is the time that we should grab every opportunity to do good deeds or 'beramal' as much as possible, right? 

Ok, but then again, why?? O.o

I'll tell you why. 

It's not because of the inflated prices of food comparable to last year's, no. 

It definitely not due to the crowd that flocks the bazaar every evening to get some things to eat for break fast...no. 

It's just that I've some problems with what some of the women who goes to these bazaar wears. 

You'll see them every year, it's like this thing will never come to an end. And I'm sure other men would be of the same opinion with me, too. 

Need not be described here. You know how their attires look like. 

"Kurus pahala puasa aku uollss. Demmm" 

So, please please do us a favour will you? Wear some decent attire/ clothes that cover your aurat properly. 

I'm sure all of you will look stunningly beautiful in that way. 

"Tak tipu wey...kalo tipu sia-sia je puasa aku haa"

You'll also save your fathers, husbands and brothers from becoming dayus. Na'uzubillah min zalik. 

Mintak simpang la wey...

Let this year's Ramadhan be a stepping stone for us to become better Muslims, Insya Allah..for we don't know whether we'll be greeting next year's Ramadhan with an open hand like we do this year. 

For we may then, be six feet under. So, let's get prepared from now. 

*sori la kalo sesape terguris or terasa. At least I've tried :) * 
**peringatan untuk diriku sendiri juga** 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Of Devil's Advocate and Ramadhan.

Eh, is the title controversial ?

Assalamualaikum and Greetings.

We are just a few days away from it, from the time of writing, there's just 7 days left for us to prepare to welcome the most rewarding month in the Islamic calendar; Ramadhan. 

It is as if it's a year-end bonus from Allah to us, as a sign of His love towards us, ummat Muhammad, only that, the rewards are bigger and could be brought forward to the afterlife with us.

These past two weeks, when I began with my internship program, on my way to work, facing the daily doses of traffic jam to and fro my home and place of work, in which I have the opportunity to sit down by myself and reflect on the things that I've done in my life...the things that I did wrong and right...the sins I committed...for as the saying goes,

"Those who knew the real meaning of living are the ones who are dead" 

"mereka yang mengetahui hakikat sebenar kehidupan adalah mereka yang telah mati" 

This is a very remarkable and deep quote that I've stumbled upon a few years ago, 
(in high school rasenye)  

Only now do I know what it really means. 

Only the dead knew what the ones who still are living are missing out; our chance of repenting are still open wide only that most of us do not make full use of it. 

Then there's the fact that most of us are still fascinated with dunya, dancing in accordance to its masquerade....without realising that one day, we will be joining them, too....  

Then as I was reflecting today, a random thought occurs...a voice inside my head echoes, 

"Yenna dey, ni nak bulan puasa ni...xkan xnak melantak dulu...tak rase craving ke nak makan sushi ke, melantak subway ke di siang hari, satgi xbley dah weh," 

I contemplated then, thinking that yeah it's true, can't deny the fact that what my nafsu makan told me just now was right. 

Just as I was about to take the turn to Queensbay, hoping to munch down on something good and fulfilling, my conscience sets in.... 

"Ko amal sikit, dosa banyak. Ade hati lagi nak ikut 'dia' suh makan tu, makan ni. Berapa kali sehari ko istighfar, selawat, tasbih, tahmid sume?" it said...

Then, I kena lagi you know, he added, 

"Kau kalo mati sat lagi ke, dah ready ke? Sedekah jariah banyak mane...dosa buat ngan orang nak setel guane...hape cite der? Daripada ko pikir nak makan mende, baik ko plan cne nk manfaatkan Ramadhan ni. Bukan melantak je!" 

Blushing spontaneously, immediately I cancelled, headed straight for home....pergh pedas beb kene tarbiah ngan own conscience! 

Well, that's that's the problem with most of the people here(me at least); we take in more than what we need......

Sedangkan nanti physically kita bawak badan je yang dirinya sendiri bukan milik kita.
Who are we to abuse what has been given free to us from Him? 

Lembutkanlah hati, tangisilah dosa2 kita yang lalu, moga ia tidak berulang lagi.... 

Marilah kita sama-sama pergunakan Ramadhan kali ini untuk kebaikan, insya Allah Ramadhan kali ni lagi baik dari Ramadhan yang lepas. Amin. 

*pesanan ni jugak untuk diri sendiri. at least ada la kebaikan aku buat walaupun skit ye ^^ * 

Looking at this picture would always result in ninjas cutting onions near my eyes. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dari Dalam Aku

In this blog of mine, I never reveal my human side, yet.

What I'm implying by saying 'human side' is that, I never reveal these things because I think that they are quite personal, as per se relationships, personal opinions towards certain things regarding feelings and emotions...

I felt that those things are irrelevant metaphorically, as I tried to separate or distance myself away from ever writing things about them.

But now, I guess time has changed us all. Small children will grow into an adult one day...

So goes to immature minds, they will somehow through time and experience, change into a mature one, regardless of the time taken to achieve it.

As human as I am, yes,  I do have feelings, too.

Yes, I can see where this is heading. But I don't think it's wrong to still cling on and hoping, even though its prospect is bleak, but there is still that small ray of hope in the distance, that fuels this dream.

I've always been serious in things like this. It's just that I felt that the people around me never taken me seriously.

I am not putting them at fault, it's a repercussion to this image that I have built around me. The ever happy and funny person, cracking jokes and trolling around at its best among his friends and acquaintances.

And yet, there is still that person inside of me behind this mask that yearns affection, that yearns for attention and the four letter "L" word, that yearns for "the one".

Never mind that, I will wait. For good things come to those who are patient. Yes, I'll be patient regarding this matter. Yes, I will and I am able to wait.

Let's just see how this goes.

Joe Brooks-Holes Inside


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Of 'cuti panjang' and Internship. Oh my!


Ok got the shock of my life today. bukak2 tengok sume gambar dalam belog ni dah hilang, digantikan dengan gmbar hitam dengan tanda seru. so, kene edit and delete sume gambar. oh my T.T 

The Sun-paper ni free je. Grab one la uollss! :) 
Lesson learned : lain kali guna external links like photo-sharing websites la kalo nak letak gambar dalam entry. Server blogger macam xley harap sgt je. -no offense- 

Untuk bebudak ipta sekarang ni memang tengah cuti lah. untunglah korang boleh enjoy cuti 2 months full. bagi yang pandai cari duit tu lagi la huntung. Paling kureng pun blh generate dlm RM600-700 la gitu keje part time kan. 

Bagi kami budak2 English Pro, memang takde la nak kata istilah cuti2 ni. Sume cuti panjang between semester digunakan sepenuhnya untuk buat Latihan Industri ni aka LI (internship) lah. 

Kalo bernasib baik bolehla dpt elaun / gaji drpd majikan kita time LI tu kan. Kalo x pun dapat makan free....paling teruk kalo xdapat mende. oh sedihnye *poker face* 

Tapi pape pun, keep positive la kan. Walaupun tak dapat gaji, tapi pengalaman tu tetaplah mende yang paling berharga. 

Untuk aku pulak, since I've secured a place as a trainee journalist at The Sun Penang. Just done with my first week, and so far ok lah. Got to go to places, meet up with people from (almost) all walks of life (yet, because this is just the first week, kan). Ok la so far.

Need to do a lot of reading, learn how to come up with a report that has all the information and also comprehensible for the readers because newspaper readers came from all walks of life. From the mak ciks, uncles, corporate chimps in suits, taxi drivers, etc. etc.

The report needs to be short since we at The Sun has a very limited space. therefore, space constraints. bazinga! 

Oh, and the report must be grammatical too!  If not, then 'malu' lah for us, since we're majoring in English kan. *tsk* *tsk*

My first ever report! Hehe 
So here I am as a young hopeful, hoping to survive in this work environment. My experience so far is just knowing how to handle rude/ annoying restaurant customers who'll always (well, most of the time) come up with uncouth remarks about how our service is bad/slow etc...well, for starters, we've got many customers to handle, not only you lorh~ 

More on that later....(or never, heh =P) 

So that's all for now! 

 Maybe in future entries I'll talk about something else pulak lah,things that will be more appealing such as general interests ke, pape ke. *kalo rajin* 
