Tuesday, December 4, 2012

EntryPicisan: Aku, dan DIY

Salam, greetings. 

Nampak sangat kan tak cohesive nye tajuk ni? Aku dan DIY.....what?? 

Senang cakap, I'm more to like a DIY guy la..aku suka kerja 'hands-on' ni. I like to explore things, taking them apart, then assembling them back. It's just a thing that I like to do. 

Macam sume orang kan ada hobi memasing, or habit memasing kan? So, the same applies to me also. 
Kiranya aku ni suka bukak2 bende, explore around a bit, then pasang balik or better off, try to fix it lah. Sejak dari kecik lagi la macam ni. 

Dan cara ni pun bagus sebenarnya. Kalo ikut cakap bapak aku (brader Jawa) cara terbaik untuk didik anak tu la..bagi dia buat kerja hands on, biar dia belajar sendiri what's right from wrong, learning from mistakes by doing it themselves. Kalau salah ye dia akan tinggalkan. Kalo betul ye dia buat lagi. 

The 'flusher'
So, when I acquired my hand-me-down ride from my mom, of course la what I did was explore around, especially those detailing mcm accessories and the engine part, checking the essentials...just to make sure that it is in prime condition. 

Long story short, I checked the radiator....horror gile weh! Karat2 everywhere...and I asked her when was the last time you changed your radiator fluid? My mom answered "many years ago"...and I was like. Okay (-_-)

Ha nak masukkan ni next week rasanya.
A simple google search, going through this and that forum and watching a few YouTube clips, I found out that the best Radiator coolant would be Toyota punye brand...and for that karat thing, kena guna radiator flush. 

Last weekend I put in that radiator flush, botol tu cakap - kena bawak 3-6 hours driving which is equivalent to 1 week of usage (normal driving condition) n then kena flush lagii....tengok la kalau rajin mungkin buat video tutorial kot...then post it on YouTube. hehehe.  

And the one that aku letak ni...it's a good radiator flush la 'cos arahan dia sume ada kt blakang botol..and it is idiot-proof. very detailed instructions. Boleh jumpa kat Tesco besar aka Tesco jelutong...ala yg dekat ngan E-Gate tu. 


Nota kaki: 

1. DIY = Do-it-yourself. Buat sendiri. Cara mudah & murah untuk get things done, and learn a couple of new skills and things along the way too! 

2. Hand me down pun...Alhamdulillah ^^