*this entry have no connections whatsoever with the title.
Wah! Lama betul tak buat entry nih. Jadi, kene ah letak sket entry kan? Hehehe.... Ok lah, last week ada busy jugak, tu yang lama tak update.
Dalam minggu lepas, aku ada la attend satu conference ni, tp jadik org yg tolong2 je ah (kuli le tu -.- )
Namanye International Conference on Humanities (INCoH) 2011. Anjuran PPIK, USM. It was held at Park Royal Hotel, Penang...14-16th June 2011.
Dapatlah sikit2 pengalaman berguna untuk hidup. (yeke??)
At least I'd been able to practice speaking english, which has deteriorated over the years (ye la dh menulis je, ckpnye kurang, hilanglah vocab nye. "serves you right!" )
Aku join ni pun sbb mak aku suh tolong....depa mcm short-handed lah (so, go get longer hands lah! :P )
The morning before the real thing, she was like, pack your things, chop chop!!
and then, off we go...to park royal hotel, batu ferringghi (nice place, 'cos its a 4 star hotel. kih3)
Dok la sana seminggu, tlg2 apa yang patut (ala jadi runner je, and all points in between loh)
And most of the time I spent was at the registration counter, handling certificates. Haha!
I've got to say, even a person who holds a doctorate could be a real asshole, man...sad to say. (all based on experience naa...I'm not shooting blindly!)
*some of them, NOT all of them, kan~
All the certificates tak diletak title pnerimanye. (obviously, most of the attendees are doctors, professors, and what not. Kalo nak letak leceh aa kalo silap)
tapi ada jugak yg paksa nak jugak letak title "Dr." derang. So, kena la lari p atas utk print. podahhh -.-
ada jugak yg condemn kata beg goodies yg diberi "mcm ni je? kata international conference??" ---and most of them yg complained were local lecturers. Yg foreign puji berbakul2 (based on evaluation form yg depa bg blk)
nampak sgt yg derang ni x pernah p international conference. kalo kat negara len ada yg x bagi mende pun. dpt pen ngan kertas je. n x dpt mkn sedap2 mcm kt m'sia nih. -->mak aku gtau mcm tu loh~
All in all, the whole week spent there, blh kata untunglah. Dpt cedok mcm2 benda berguna utk hidup, I guess :)
ada gmbar cket je. 2 keping. LOL XD
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