Monday, April 23, 2012

Semester II Ramblings

Greetings, Earthlings!

It's my turn to post my ramblings :)

Semester II has commenced!!  [ #you don't say?? ] 
Now we've gone past mid-semester and yet, I've just come up with only this one post. Here's to popping the cherry for the second semester blogpost. Hahaha. 

Much has happened, and as the semester proceeds, the subjects get tougher, not to mention that I'm minoring in Biology, a stark contrast to my major paper which is English. People would always ask, "why would you do a minor in Bio?" or "You crazy ah?" and those that are of the same kind, and my answer would be, "well, I just want to do this! Hehe"....when ACTUALLY the University encourages trans-diciplinary study. A mix between science and arts. Exquisite. 

The real reason is that I just want to have the option to further my studies, whether it's in arts stream or science. Just for the sake of keeping the option alive, so as not to stray far away from science. To top that, penat doh buat paper sastera memanjang....3 hour stretch is not good for the hands! 
*I'm left-handed* 

Science paper the most they will go if I'm not mistaken is just 2 hours and a half (If my memory serves me right, though ~ ) 

Evolved to a full time class troll, and the title comes with its own pro and cons...*tsk* *tsk* *tsk*

Pro:  whatever you do or say is considered a pun 
(read: pun is usually a humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest 2 or > of its meanings. in short, saying/doing funny things) 

Cons: The inverse of the above. People don't take you seriously when you give compliments, except when you're doing presentations. 

Secured an internship in The Sun Northern Hub for this coming "cuti panjang", I'll be in the shoes of a trainee journalist. The experience will change me (according to the ketua editor lah). Well, we'll see about that, though. The good, the bad and all the points in between, I'll have to swallow it lohh. 

Am preparing for a comeback since I've been left on my own devices (crash and burn). Ich bin das schön ok already. You don't know what you're missing, though~ 
Dropped 7 Kilos....(Gila) Hehehe. 

Tu je kot...oh, and I've a twitter now! hehehe...kalo rajin, follow lah naa 
(macam la ade yg nak, kan :P) 

----the name speaks for itself : I'm a 'fusion' between jawa n cina. I speak Jawa too! (only the fact that it's just a colloquial Javanese - Jawa kasar- a little...but it still counts, whaaaattt~~)

P/s: you don't say meme is used when someone is stating the obvious, and you're as the dude/ dudette stating the "you don't say??" phrase as a sarcastic remark to Captain Obvious. 

Here is the said meme. 'Till next time!