Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Annual Grand Dinner 2011

Tengok header, gile skema ah! heheheh...

Xde aa...skang ni baru je ada masa2 free nk cilok2 buat posting baru kt blog aku yg x seberape nih..entry kali nih tentang majlis makan malam yang beru jek berlangsung Sabtu lepas [26 mac]...alhamdulillah diberi peluang utk jadi timb. pngarah utk program nih. Ade gak aa cedok sket pengalaman yg Insya Allah berguna pada masa depan. 
Mcm2 dugaan gak aa dalam perjalanan dlm melaksanakan program nih. Mula2 cadang nk buat kat TTI (taman tamadung Islam) ---"tamadung???" =.=! pastu ada aa problem- xley buat event girang2---arahan kerajaan negeri worr~~

Then pindah p ke Hotel Tanjong Vista. Hotel ni agak baru lah, and sepanjang berurusan ngan pihak hotel nih, nothing else but pleasant lah...everything so easy n flexible (marketing strategy hoh!). Insya Allah pengalaman yg dicedok bersama rakan2 ni ada gunanya satu hari nanti. Syukur gak aa event berjalan ngan lancar, cuma ada sket2 je yg x kene...tu pun sbb peralatan jek. Laen2 hokay jek!! 

Terima kasih kat semua yg terlibat, yg mnyokong, especially jk2 program ni sume. Best keje ngan korang!! XD 

Ada selit2 sket gmbar2 pada hari kejadian~~~ 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A loss...perhaps?

Baru je balik dari kelas eko tadi....n pas makan dah ni. (kenyang2 n hati senang~~~) :)

I've got something to be written here as a reminder for me n sapa2 yang sudi membaca lah...

Tadi ada la masa kelas tadi lecturer tanya tentang boleh tak kalau Shahnon Wiener index (yg guna untuk species) guna untuk hasil dapatan yang kita tengok hanya berdasarkan order sahaja. Tanya la masa lecture tu sama ada "ya" atau "tidak". Masa tu aku dah pikir dah...dua2 answer boleh, tapi I'm more towars yes. And I've already prepared the excuse for that answer (sekiranya disoal) tapi at that split second, I had a little conflict with myself...

"kalo aku angkat tangan n jawab, kalo salah kene condemn ngan kengkawan lak.." which is a negative thought, and I know at that moment it doesn't even matter as long as you're confident to answer, whether the answer given is wrong or right, is doesn't matter as long as you've tried. 
      But then again, I proceed with my decision of not answering the question and raise my hand to be the odd one out (sbb ramai yang atas pagar je -.-) which is a lame decision....later in that lecture jawapan yang lecturer bagi tu is EXACTLY the answer and excuse that was circulating in my head!! 

The point is, no matter how silly or ridiculous your idea is, as long as it will not harm you, it is not wrong to bring your idea forward. It shows that you have that idea and you have the balls (haha) to express your ideas. If not, then the loss is all yours. And it rings true for me....ada la 3/4 of the time masa lecture tu aku rasa macam menyesal laa x bagitau idea aku tu kat dalam kelas (tapi fokus time belajar tu tetap je~) 

 This post serves as a reminder for me and whoever yang baca lah, so long as you have the idea and the chance to express it, just carry forward. At least if you're wrong, you will learn something, and others would at least hear you out.

Oh, terjumpa gambar ni~ 

Friday, March 11, 2011


Shalom to all~ 

(shalom-apakah itu??? Google lohhhh

  Lama dah x mengupdate...jadi ada masa free nih boleh aa update sat blog aku yang x seberape nih. 

    Bertemankan lagu Yuna- Dan Sebenarnya pada malam yang hujan2 lebat gini..buat aku ada mood lak nk update blog. Internet pun laju. kih3. Banyak betul alasan ea~~~~ 
*padahal ekologi x habis study ag. ish3* 

ohh hari ni mouse mahal aku- Logitech- kene serang semut!! ToT)

Sampai jahanam lak tuuu....xleh pakai dahhh...aku yang kepanikan terus buka+ketuk2 then campak dalam tong sampah.... 0.o

Nak sembur gune serai wangi (chem utk bunoh serangge) pun mcm bagi punoh lagik ada le...huk3...

So, disebabkan poket pun tengah kering, n pc fair pun ade, maka aku pun dengan penuh harapan mintak tolong roommate aku p belikan satu mouse- murah punye-----xpelah!! janji leh pwn chracter dalam game sudaa~~~

And below is the (highly speculated) replacement mouse for my Studio 14 laptop~
*temporary, perhaps?? XD*

<<------Sony tuuu jangan maen2 haaa...kih3~~~